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Chapter 6 How Advertising Works

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1 Chapter 6 How Advertising Works

2 How Advertising Communication Works
Source: the advertiser Objectives Source credibility Noise: external and internal External environment Internal factors

3 Message Reception and Response
Perception: breaking through Exposure: making contact Attention: creating stopping power Awareness: making an impression Interest and Relevance: creating pulling power

4 Message Reception and Response
Learning: making it clear Cognitive learning: creating understanding Conditioned learning: creating associations Memorability: creating locking power

5 Message Reception and Response
Persuasion: changing attitudes Attitudes and opinions: affecting beliefs Emotions: affecting feelings Involvement: creating engagement Conviction: creating certainty Action: motivating behavior Feedback

6 Involvement: Personal Importance or Interest
Low Levels of Involvement Simple Processing Peripheral Cues: Music, Color, or Celebrities Attitudes are Weak and may be Easily Changed Message Integration with Previous Knowledge Message Arguments and Product Attributes Strongly Held Attitude Change High Levels of Involvement

7 The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
Central route to persuasion Persuasion Product beliefs Brand attitude Purchase intention Comprehension Deeper thoughts More elaboration Attention product-related information Higher involvement Exposure to persuasive communication (ad) Peripheral route to persuasion Persuasion Nonproduct beliefs Attitude toward ad Comprehension Shallow thoughts Low elaboration Attention “peripheral” nonproduct information Lower involvement

8 How Brands Work Brand personalities Branding Trust Brand image Brand relationships Brand equity

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