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Risk Assessment Fukushima

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1 Risk Assessment Fukushima
MARITIME AFFAIRS Risk Assessment Fukushima Marine Observation and Data Expert Group DG MARE Iain Shepherd 12 October 2011

2 and then came a nuclear accident
Tsunami 11 March 2011 Killed 20,000 people Destroyed 25,000 fishing boats 300 fishing ports The livelihoods of 70,000 people and then came a nuclear accident

3 Sampling a) c) e) b) d) Main sampling location
Front of NPP site (By TEPCO) Near(~20km) site (By TEPCO) About 30 km from site (By JAMSTEC) Neighbor prefecture (by MERI) (~150km north and south from NPP) Deep sea (by JAMSTEC & FRA) c) e) b) d) (C)JAMSTEC 3 3

4 Release Radionuclides were released into the ocean both directly and by atmospheric deposition.. iodine 131 no longer of radiological significance, no agreement as to the total caesium 137 and 134 released. The Japanese Atomic Energy Agency estimated 16 petabequerels (PBq) of French IRSN estimated 52PBq of 137Cs alone. The JAEA estimated a release of about 36 Pbq of each caesium isotope into the atmosphere Roughly 10% of what was released during 1960s bomb tests

5 Simulations by Japan, Mercator, Sirocco
surf. current NCOM

6 No fishing in Fukushima
No bottom trawling in Ibaraki

7 Sample 20% from all of Japan 10% from affected prefectures 694 samples
Only contamination in green tea

8 216 samples No contamination above 10 Bq/kg


10 Date (mm/dd/yy)

11 conclusion Onlyu check migratory pelagic fish caught inside zone 61
Only check albacore, bluefin, skipjack, swordfish and yellowfin. Keep watch on Japanese monitoring of these species sampled inside the Fukushima prefecture

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