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Microprocessor and Assembly Language

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1 Microprocessor and Assembly Language
Lecture-12-Multiplication and Division Instructions Muhammad Hafeez Department of Computer Science GC University Lahore

2 Today’s Agenda Signed and Unsigned Multiplication
Signed and Unsigned Division

3 Multiplication Instructions
The process of multiplication is different for signed and unsigned numbers Example: Take 2 number and As unsigned numbers are 255 and 128 Product = 32640 As signed numbers are -128 and -1 Product = 128

4 Instruction for Signed and Unsigned Multiplication
MUL is used for Unsigned multiplication IMUL is used for singed multiplication Syntax is: MUL Source IMUL Source

5 Byte Form For byte x byte, one operand must be in source
Second operand is assumed in AL register 16-bit result is stored in AX register The source must be a register or a memory location, constants are not allowed

6 Word Form For Word multiplication one number must be in source
Second number is assumed in AX register 32-bit result is stored in DX:AX DX holds the Most significant bits AX holds the Least Significant bits

7 Examples: Translate A= 5 x A – 12 X B using IMUL Instruction.

8 Examples:

9 Division Instructions
DIV instruction is used for unsigned division Syntax: DIV Divisor IDIV instruction is used for signed division Syntax IDIV Divisor

10 Division Instructions
Byte Form: The divisor is 8-bit register or memory location The dividend is 16-bit that is assumed to be in AX After division AL = Quotient AH = Remainder Divisor must not be a constant

11 Division Instructions
Word Form: The divisor is 16-bit register or memory location The dividend is 32-bit that is assumed to be in DX:AX After division AX = Quotient DX = Remainder Execution of DIV or IDIV could result in divide overflow

12 Decimal Input/ Output In memory everything is represented in binary.
Decimal Input and Output could be done through a program

13 Decimal Input/ Output In memory everything is represented in binary.
Decimal Input and Output could be done through a program

14 Decimal Output

15 Decimal Output

16 Test Program

17 Decimal Input Convert a string of ASCII digits to the binary representation of a decimal equivalent

18 Decimal Input

19 Decimal Input

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