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Occupational Therapists’ Understanding of and Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: A Literature Review. Sarah Lawson MPhil/PhD Graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Therapists’ Understanding of and Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: A Literature Review. Sarah Lawson MPhil/PhD Graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Therapists’ Understanding of and Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: A Literature Review. Sarah Lawson MPhil/PhD Graduate Tutor Wrexham Glyndŵr University TRAMmCPD Regional Forum Lead North West Region Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) New RCOT Conference Development Team Member

2 Introduction Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a personal and subjective journey, as well as a professional responsibility and mandatory requirement (Hearle et al. 2016). To ensure workforce up-to-date with current practices, maintain knowledge and skills and ultimately lead to protection of the public (RCN 2017; HCPC 2017) As health and care professionals how do we do this?

3 TRAMm: Tell, Record, Activity, Monitor and measure
For CPD to be effective you need to Tell others, Record and apply what you have learnt through your CPD Activities, Monitor your progress and measure the impact of your learning. NB: Please note that the lower case ‘m’ is used to denote measure purely to differentiate it from Monitor. It has no significance in terms of importance

4 Research Methodology

5 Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Smith et al 2009)
Qualitative, Interpretative Phenomenology, Hermeneutic, Idiographic Sense and meaning of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to Occupational Therapists Aim: begin to establish underpinning evidence for the TRAMm Model and whether the TRAMm stations encompass all that it means for occupational therapists to be engaging in CPD

6 Literature Search Data bases: ABI/Inform Global, CINAHL, Emerald, JSTOR, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis Online (formerly Informaworld) and Wiley Online Library Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) library search Grey literature: Department of Health, (DoH) Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the Professional Associations Research Network (PARN) Search terms: “Occupational Therap*” OR OT AND “Continu* Professional Development” OR CPD AND Understand* AND Engag*

7 Initial Findings

8 Link to appraisal process Application in practice
Initial Findings Learning with others Link to appraisal process Application in practice Resources CPD

9 Implications

10 For my research… Exploring Occupational Therapists understanding of and engagement in Continuing Professional Development: Implications for the TRAMm Model Exploring Occupational Therapists engagement in and application of Continuing Professional Development: Implications for the TRAMm Model

11 For the TRAMm Model TRAMm Model for your CPD Apply TELL
RECORD Apply MONITOR mEASURE TRAMm Model for your CPD TRAMm Station Tell: Learning communities communities of practice co-location with colleagues professional socialisation TRAMm Station Activity → Apply TRAMm Station Monitor: Appraisal process

12 For more information Twitter: @SLawsonOT @TRAMmCPD @HearleD Website:

13 References Barry, M., Kuijer-Siebelink, W., Nieuwenhuis, L. & Scherpbier-de Haan, N. (2017) Communities of Practice: A Means to Support Occupational Therapists' Continuing Professional Development. A Literature Review. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 64 (2) pp Cole, M.J., Morris, J. & Scammell, A. (2008) Challenges of CPD for Physiotherapists Working as Lone Practitioners in Amputee Rehabilitation. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 32 (3) pp Courtney, M. & Farnworth, L. (2003) Professional Competence for Private Practitioners in Occupational Therapy. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 50 pp Haywood, H., Pain, H., Ryan, S. & Adams, J. (2012) Engagement with Continuing Professional Development: Development of a Service Model. Journal of Allied Health. 41 (2) pp Haywood, H., Pain, H., Ryan, S. & Adams, J. (2013) Continuing Professional Development: Issues Raised by Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Working in Musculoskeletal Settings. Musculoskeletal care. 11 pp Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) (2017) Continuing Professional Development and Your Registration. London: Health and Care Professions Council. Hearle, D; Lawson, S; and Morris, R. (2016) A Strategic Guide to CPD for Health and Care Professionals: The TRAMm Model. Keswick: M&K Publishing. Hearle, D., and Lawson, S. (2016). Are you and your team Really Engaging in Continuing Professional Development? College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference and Exhibition. Harrogate. Illing, J., Crampton, P., Rothwell, C., Corbett, S., Tiffin, P., and Trepel, D. (2017) What is the Evidence for Assuring the Continuing Fitness to Practice of Health and Care Professions Council Registrants, based on its Continuing Professional Development and Audit System? London: Health and Care Professions Council. Lawson, C. & Cowling, C. (2015) Social Media: The Next Frontier for Professional Development in Radiography. Radiography. 21 (2) pp Murray, C. & Lawry, J. (2011) Maintenance of Professional Currency: Perceptions of Occupational Therapists. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 58 pp Smith, J., Flowers, P. and Larkin, M. (2009) Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Theory, Methods and Research. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

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