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World History Vocabulary Week 1

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1 World History Vocabulary Week 1

2 Pre- Definition: before (in time, place, order, degree, or importance)
Example: predict, preview, pretest

3 Post- Definition: subsequent to; after Example: postpone, posterior,

4 Ante- Definition: before Synonym: antebellum, antedate, anteroom

5 Anti- Definition: against, opposite of
Example: antibiotic, antisocial,

6 Con- Definition: with Example: conflict, consensus, conclude

7 Contra- Definition: against, in opposition
Example: contradict, contrast

8 Ex- Definition: out of; not, without
Example: exit, exterior, exception

9 Co- Definition: together, mutually, in common
Example: coexist, combine, compare

10 Para- Definition: alongside of, beside, near Example: parallel

11 Sub- Definition: under, below, beneath Example: submerge, subconscious

12 Neo- Definition: new, young, recent Example: neoclassic, neonatal

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