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Napoleon: A Mixed Legacy

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1 Napoleon: A Mixed Legacy
EQ: How did Napoleon’s attempts to reform France leave a mixed legacy which makes him a difficult person to define historically?

2 A Dictator? Napoleon pushes one of the Directors, Abbe Sieyes, aside
Establishes the rule of one man – The First Consul – Napoleon Suppresses opposition at home -Offers general amnesty to men of all political factions as long as they pledge loyalty to him -Employs the secret police Another new constitution makes Napoleon Emperor of France Napoleon crowns himself Napoleon I

3 A Reformer? Concordat with Catholic Church
-Napoleon reestablishes Christianity in France with agreement with Pope Pius VII -Still, state had authority over the church through The Organic Articles of 1802 The Napoleonic Code -Safeguarded all forms of property -Conservative attitudes toward women and labor remained -Property was distributed among all children; males and females

4 A Conqueror? Defeats Austria and Russia at Austerlitz – becomes King of Italy Defeats Russia and Prussia to control all of Germany Treaty of Tilsit-Prussia loses half its territory Conquered Spain-Installed his brother as emperor Napoleon divorces his wife Josephine and marries Austrian archduchess Marie Louise -Helps to smooth relations with Austria Attempts to Conquer Russia (Fails due to hacking)

5 A Fool? The Russian Campaign
Invasion of Russia Russia’s “scorched earth” policy – destroying food and supplies and then retreating – erodes Napoleon’s Grand Army Napoleon wanted to take over Russian capital of Moscow -Russians burn down Moscow leaving Napoleon there in winter -Napoleon loses half a million men

6 A Demigod? Defeated at Leipzig in Battle of Nations
-Napoleon abdicates throne in March, and is exiled to island of Elba -Louis XVIII becomes King The 100 Days -Napoleon secretly leaves Elba -Napoleon defeated again at Battle of Waterloo -Exiled for good to tiny island of St. Helena -Dies there in 1821

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