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2 Learn AND Share in English
Amadeu Marques; Ana Carolina Cardoso 3º ano do ensino médio

3 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
Nessa unidade: Let's Start Reading Word Study Language Study Listening Speaking Writing

4 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
Let’s Start Observe the illustration on the right. Which areas(s) of knowledge should you major in? Why? Tell a classmate about that.

5 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
Before You Read Have a quick look at the text on this page and the next one. Observe the title and the eight subheadings. Which field does each of the pictures below represent? Write down the answers in your notebook.

6 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
Before You Read What is the purpose of the text? To warn young individuals about the challenges of finding a job. To let students know of the need to improve their study skills. To persuade young people to study harder so that they can land a profitable job. To give young individuals a quick view of the careers that seem promising for the future.

7 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
After You Read Discuss the following questions in small groups. Does any of the fields mentioned in the text interest you? Why (not)? In your opinion, what are some other promising fields for the future in Brazil? The text points out some fields that will probably lead to a profitable employment. In your opinion, however, is money the only aspect that should count when choosing a career? What do you think should be considered when choosing a career or a job?

8 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
More Food For Thought Read the text below and answer the following questions with a classmate. Why are students usually afraid when it comes to choosing a university course? According to the text, does a university course limit students to follow one career for the rest of their lives? Why (not)? According to the text, what kind of pressure do some students suffer from parents and family when deciding what do study at college? Do you consider the information from the text helpful for students who are confused as to their future de decisions? why (not)?

9 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
WRITING In which paragraph (1-4) does Frank mention his personal characteristics? the position he is applying for? what can be found in his resume? where he saw the job advertisement? his expectation to talk to the manager in person?

10 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
BEFORE YOU LISTEN Do you know anyone has been to a job interview? If so, how was it? Imagine a friend of yours is going to a job interview. What advice would you give her/him?

11 Unit 3 – An Important Decision to Be Made
AS YOU LISTEN Check if the tips below are True (T) or False (F). List the experiences that might qualify you for the job, even if they are related to school events or volunteer activities. Don't ask anyone to practice the interview with you because it can make you feel anxious. If you don't have a lot of word experience, it's not necessary to make a resume. Shake hands with your interview before and after the interview. Answer questions clearly and go straight to the point.

12 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Nessa unidade: Let's Start Reading Word Study Language Study Listening Speaking Writing Check Your English 1 Project 1

13 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Let’s START Read the quotes on the right. Then discuss the following questions in small groups. Which one(s) did you like most? Why? Based on the quotes you've read, what kind of love is thought to be the most important?

14 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Before You Read You are going to read a story taken from the book Things that Grab Your Heart and Won't Let Go. Take a look at the book cover. What kind of stories do you think are compiled in the book? Now read the title of the text on page 63 and observe its pictures. Who do you think are the characters in the story?

15 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
AS You Read Who does the title Someone Who Cares refer to? The nurse. The elderly gentleman. The lady in the nursing home. In a word, what is that story about? Love. Health. Alzheimer's disease.

16 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
AFTER You Read Discuss the following questions in small groups. How did you feel when you finished reading the story? Do you agree that true love is neither physical nor romantic? Why (not)? What is it then?

17 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
More Food For Thought What's special about Lynda Sparks? She has three children. She has twins. She has taken care of over twenty foster children. What has motivated her to become a foster mother? Does she believe she can make a difference in those children's lives? Transcribe a fragment from the text to justify your answer.

18 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Language Study Read the sentences from the previous activity again and complete the statements below. We use reporting verbs to report what someone said. In the sentences above, the reporting verbs are: told, _______ and ________. Other common reporting verbs are: answered, replied, responded.

19 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Let’s Practice Read the comic strip on the right and do the following activities in your notebook. The sentences below report Calvin's dialogue with his father. In your notebook, complete the sentence with the appropriate word. Calvin asked his father if he _______. His father said that, naturally, he _______. Calvin asked his father if he would still love him if _______. Calvin's father said that _______. Calvin insisted, his father got nervous and asked him in a very loud voice what _______. © 1986 Watterson/Dist. by Universal Uclick Available at: < Accessed on: March 19, 2016.

20 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
Before You Listen Do you usually write letters? If so, to whom? Do you think it's a good idea to write letters to someone we love? Why?

21 Unit 4 – She Said That Was the Kind of Love She Wanted
SPEAKING Get together in small groups and discuss the following. What actions can you take in order to show love and compassion for. your parents? your siblings? your friends? people from your neighborhood? your planet? After the discussion, report your ideas to your teacher and classmates. KidStock/Creative RF/Getty Images Rhienna Cutler/E+/Getty Images

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