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The Causes of World War Two

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1 The Causes of World War Two
Long Term Causes

2 Treaty of Versailles Reparations Disarmament Territorial Clause
Germany was expected to pay 6, 600 billion dollars for damages Disarmament Germany was only allowed to have a small military and 6 naval ships Disarm the Rhineland Territorial Clause land was taken away from Germany and new territory boundaries were created


4 Treaty of Versailles Most Germans began to blame the Treaty of Versailles for many of the woes of Germany Hitler began to ignore the terms set out in the Treaty remilitarizing Germany beginning in 1934 moved back into the Rhineland in 1936

5 Expansion: Anschluss Germany had been forbidden from joining with Austria In March 1938, Hitler sent troops in Austria Britain and France agreed Hitler could join with Austria, as long as he STOPPED there

6 Expansion Hitler did not keep his word, however
He demanded the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia Chamberlain meet with Hitler in September 1938 They signed the Munich Agreement, Hitler could have this area but could not invade the rest of the country


8 Why was nothing done? World War One was still fresh in the minds of many Europeans, it had been a little over 20 years ago Both Britain and France did not want to have another war fought on European soil

9 Policy of Appeasement Many people began to feel the Treaty of Versailles had been to harsh for the people of Germany Therefore, they felt his “demands” were fairly justified

10 Policy of Appeasement Munich Agreement viewed as triumph
Chamberlain came home from signing the agreement and is famously quoted as say “peace in our time” while waving the agreement

11 Policy of Appeasement Hitler disregarded the Munich agreement and further attacked Czechoslovakia, in March 1939 The other world leaders realized that nothing short of war would stop him They agreed to draw the line at Poland

12 Mackenzie King supported appeasement
meet with Hitler and later noted in his diary that Hitler was a “sincere man who had no intention to provoke a war” did feel Hitler’s tactics may be a little “heavy handed “No sacrifice can be too great which can save war”


14 Canadian Feelings Winnipeg Tribune
“a Germany with her self respected restored may be the means of dispelling the war clouds hanging so so ominously over Europe”


16 League of Nations Established in 1919 as an organization to help maintain peace in the world Not all countries joined member countries were low and could leave at any time

17 League of Nations Had no power Had no army
all the league could really do was to ask countries to stop trading with countries such as Japan or Italy why would this not be effective? Had no army soldiers were supposed to be provided by member countries

18 Formation of Axis Powers
Rome - Berlin Axis Italy invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia) Italy agreed not to interfere in Austria and Germany would not come South Japan, Italy and Germany agree to help each other conquer their spheres of “influence”

19 War War was on the doorstep of Europe. . .

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