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Generating forms with the wizard in Access

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1 Generating forms with the wizard in Access
Please use speaker notes for additional information! This presentation will go through the steps to develop forms using the Access database.

2 This slide shows the data in the booklist table
This slide shows the data in the booklist table. The structure of the table is shown on the next slide.

3 This shows the structure
This shows the structure. There are six fields in this table and the isbn is the key. It is 13 because the ISBN number takes up 13 characters.

4 Click on forms and then on create form by using wizard.
The wizard starts and the first screen shown is asking you to pick what table or query you want to use. Note that you can create a form using the data on the table or using the data that was gathered in a query. It also asks you to select what fields you want included on the form.

5 This slide shows the table and 4 queries that I created and saved in the database. I am going to select the table and then I will select the fields. In this example, I want all of the available fields to be on the form so I move them all over to selected fields using the >> button. Notice the four buttons which allow me to move fields one by one back and forth and to move all fields back and forth. Now I will click on Next. I clicked on >> and all of the available fields were moved to selected fields.

6 The next slide allows me to pick the layout
The next slide allows me to pick the layout. Experiment with clicking the different options, an image showing the structure of the layout will appear on the screen. I am going to select the Columnar default.

7 This slide gives me the option of choosing the background for the slide. You can select different ones and see what they will look like. Again, I am going with the default of Sumi Painting.

8 Now I can select a title for the form
Now I can select a title for the form. The default is booklist which is the name of my table. I will keep that name.

9 This shows the form with the information from the first record
This shows the form with the information from the first record. You can use the arrows at the bottom of the form to move from record to record to see the form. Notice that the form has the default name of booklist.

10 If you click on the design button in the top left corner (same one we have used for other things), you see the layout that the wizard developed. If you are an Access developer, you may start with the wizard and then make modifications or you may choose create form in Design view in which case you will get a clear form where you can arrange data. Notice that there are toolbars, properties etc that the developer can use.

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