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The Big Bang Model The most widely accepted theory TODAY on the formation of the universe  …Subject to change!

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Bang Model The most widely accepted theory TODAY on the formation of the universe  …Subject to change!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Bang Model The most widely accepted theory TODAY on the formation of the universe  …Subject to change!

2 Make a foldable Take 3 sheets of computer paper.
Stagger them, then fold over to create a foldable with flaps. Staple at the top. Make a title- Space Include your name on the front!

3 Age of the Universe Abundance of H & He
Label your Tabs From the TOP… TITLE PAGE What the Theory says Age of the Universe Abundance of H & He Red Shifting CBR Holes in the Theory

4 What the Theory says… (I had to use the top of the page, as well as the flap. 13-15 BYA (billion years ago), the universe expanded rapidly from a single point called a singularity.

5 What the Theory Says… The event (which was not an explosion) was very hot and atoms were not yet formed- material cooled and condensed into what was called “quark soup.” As the material cooled and the heat spread out, atoms of the lighter elements formed (Hydrogen and Helium) ml

6 What the Theory Says… The universe continues to expand rapidly.
At the Big Bang Event, all matter and energy formed. Before that, there was nothing. Resulted in the 4 Forces of the Universe: Gravity Electromagnetism Strong Nuclear Force Weak Nuclear Force

7 Age of the Universe Most all models of the age of the universe is billion years old (consistent with what the BBT predicts).

8 Abundance of H & He The amount of H and He today is abundant- closely match what is predicted there should be from the BBT

9 Red Shifting Due to the Doppler Effect, a light wave moving away increases in wavelength, shifting it’s color to the red end of the EM spectrum, and appears more red. (oppositely, objects moving toward you would appear more red as their wavelengths are shortened) Almost everything we observe in the universe is red shifting, meaning the universe is expanding away from us in all directions.

10 Electromagnetic Spectrum & Visible Light
Electromagnetic Spectrum & Visible Light

11 CBR Cosmic Background Radiation is leftover heat from the initial Big Bang Event. It is thermal radiation that fills the universe in every direction, detected with a radio telescope. Universe avg. temp is 2-3° Kelvin.

12 Holes in the Theory The BBT
Seems to “defy” the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy by them being created. Seems to defy the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (ENTROPY) that the universe gets more disorderly. Violated the rule that nothing travels faster than the speed of light.

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