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Combine Yield Monitors

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Presentation on theme: "Combine Yield Monitors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combine Yield Monitors

2 Current Yield Monitors
Mass-flow sensor Volumetric-flow sensor Conveyor belt load sensor Trailer load sensor Torque transducer

3 Basics of Yield Monitoring
Possible Crops to Monitor Wheat and other grains Cotton Potato and Sugar Beets Beans Rice Specialty Crops Grapes, Tomatoes, Carrots, etc.

4 Impulse Yield Sensors Micro Trak John Deere Case Ag Leader

5 Impulse Flow Meter Force Vectors

6 Dynamincs of an Impulse Flow Meter

7 Non-Impulse Yield Sensors
Nuclear - Massey Ferguson - Europe High Frequency Radio Waves New Holland - Not marketed

8 Capacitance Moisture Sensors
Micro Track John Deere Ag Leader Case

9 Capacitance Moisture Sensors

10 Yield Mapping Trailer (Sugar Beet Harvest)

11 Yield Mapping Trailer Measures change in weight in the trailer while allowing for comparison at different times. Can be used for any crop that is loaded into a trailer continuously while harvested.

12 Sources of Yield Map Error
Unknown swath width Time lag of grain through combine GPS error Multiple paths through combine Surging of grain through combine Grain losses Sensor Calibration

13 Sources of Impulse Yield Sensor Error
Grain Moisture Grain Test Weight Grain Temperature Grain Cultivar Grain Species Contamination Dirt Plant oils, sap, etc.


15 Effect of Lag Time on Combine Yield Measurements
Crop Yield Along Swath Actual Grain Yield Yield t P t0 Yield Yield Monitor Measured Grain Yield P t

16 Smoothing Effect of the Straw Walkers


18 Combine Yield Monitor and Satellite Estimated Wheat Yield Maps
Yield Monitor 26.4 bu/ac Satellite Estimate 28.7 bu/ac

19 Two Combines in the Field with only One Equipped with GPS
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1997

20 Corn Yield Surface with Krieging
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1997

21 Wheat Yield Under a Center Pivot Irrigation System
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1998

22 Wheat Yield Under a Center Pivot Irrigation System
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1997

23 Wheat Yield Under a Center Pivot Irrigation System
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1997

24 Wheat Yield Under a Center Pivot Irrigation System
Oklahoma Panhandle, 1998


26 Data Misaligned Because of the Lag in the Combine

27 Error Caused by the Lag in the Combine

28 Missing Data

29 Peanut Yield Monitor University of Georgia

30 AgLeader Cotton Yield Monitor
Developed by John Wilkerson – University of Tennessee

31 5 Class Krieg NDVI surface Yield Surface With lime streaking
Courtesy of Tim Sharp Jackson State C.C.

32 Fertilizer Streaking 5 Class Krieg Spinner Applicator Yield Surface
NDVI Surface Courtesy of Tim Sharp Jackson State C.C.

33 Major Challenge Correlate NDVI surface data with yield surface data
Courtesy of Tim Sharp Jackson State C.C.

34 Cotman Sample Points Low Medium High
Courtesy of Tim Sharp Jackson State C.C.

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