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Warm Up 5.4: Determine if a Chemical or Physical Change 1.

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1 Warm Up 5.4: Determine if a Chemical or Physical Change 1.
An ice cube is placed in the sun. Later there is a puddle of water and then the puddle is gone. 2. Two chemical are mixed together and a gas is produce. 3. A bicycle changes color as it rusts. 4. A solid is crushed to a powder. 5. Two substances are mixed and light is produced. 6. Mixing salt and pepper. 7. Chocolate syrup is dissolved in milk. 8. A marshmallow is burned over a campfire. 9. A marshmallow is cut in half. P C C P C P P C P

2 Physical change effects….
Size Shape Color State of matter Additionally…. Reversible No energy

3 Chemical Change effects…
Composition Additionally… Energy involved New substance formed Atoms rearranged

4 Signs of Chemical Change
Color change Energy: Light Heat Fire Electricity Gas production: Bubbles Fizzing Smoke Odor change Precipitate

5 Basics Reactant Product New one or more substances
Change into New one or more substances one or more substances Reactant Product

6 Law of Conservation of Matter/Mass
Matter is not created nor destroyed Just rearranged Total mass of reactants = total mass of products

7 Symbols used in equations
After a chemical formula: (s) or ¯ : solid Cu(s) CaCo3 ¯ (g) or  : gas H2 (g) O2 (l) : liquid H2O(l) (aq) : aqueous solution CaCl2 (aq) dissolved in H2O

8 Other Symbols  or heat :heat supplied to rxn
Chemical formula : catalyst

9 All chemical rxns have…. a change in energy

10 Ea: activation energy: Energy needed to start reactant collisions thus starting the rxn Activated Complex: “top of the hill” reactants’ atoms rearrange due to collisions. H: Enthalpy: change in heat: products – reactants

11 Collision Theory ( 1:17 min)

12 Set up your paper Endothermic Exothermic Sign Need 1 line
Descriptive words Need at least 2 lines Drawing need at least 6 lines Reaction placement Need 3 lines Reaction path diagrams Need at least 10 lines

13 Endothermic Exothermic system heat system heat
Endothermic Exothermic Sign Descriptive Words Drawing “ Into”, absorb, heat added; heat needed Given off; heat produced; exit system heat surroundings system heat surroundings

14 Endothermic Exothermic
Reaction placement Endothermic A + B + heat  C or A + B  C H= + kJ Exothermic A + B  C + heat or A + B  C H= - kJ

15 Endothermic Exothermic
Endothermic Exothermic Rxn Path diagram

16 Activated complex Activated complex Ea Ea H= - Products Reactants
Endothermic Exothermic Activated complex Activated complex Ea Ea H= - heat given off Products Reactants H= + heat added Products Reactants

17 Reactions Rates


19 Catalyst speeds up rxn w/o being used Less activation energy is needed
Lowers the activated complex

20 Other factors that effect rxn rate
Increase Temperature Increase Pressure Increase Concentration amount of a substance per area Bigger M = more concentration Which will cause a faster reaction: 3M or 0.4M 3M will make the rxn faster

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