Religion, Humanism, the arts and Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion, Humanism, the arts and Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion, Humanism, the arts and Learning.
L.O. to develop an understanding of the role of religion and the church on social life. To develop an understanding of the challenge of Humanism to the traditional doctrines of the Catholic Church.

2 How significant was the position of agriculture in the English economy in the years 1485 – 1509?
Introduction…The period 1485 – 1509 saw the significant development of non-agricultural aspects of the English economy. However the English economy was predominantly agricultural in its nature. The English economy was therefore fundamentally an agricultural economy. Agriculture was the most important part of the English economy in the years 1485 – 1509. Agriculture = farming Agrarian = farming Pastoral = farming animals Industry = making things Cereal farming = growing cereals Importance of the cloth trade. Importance of the mining industry. Importance of trade. In conclusion it is clear that the English economy was ultimately an agricultural economy. It dominated people’s lives and accounted for the Lion’s share of economic activity. Despite growth in the wool trade this too was ultimately reliant on the produce of the agricultural products of sheep rearing. Therefore we can conclude that, despite the small contribution made by mining, the English economy was wholly dependent on agriculture from

3 Agriculture was the most significant aspect of the English economy
Agriculture was the most significant aspect of the English economy. The growing cloth trade was of great significance in the English economy. Other forms of trade were of great significance in the English economy. Mining was of great significance in the English economy.

4 Key words Catholic church = the sole version of Christianity that ruled in Europe in the 15th C. Parish = an area under a single church. Abbot = abbots ran monasteries. Purgatory = Transubstantiation = Intercession =

5 Read religious community, belief and services – p53 AQA
How did the church control the mind of the people of England? Look at the Doom Painting What is TRANSUBSTANTIATION?

6 How to get out of purgatory!

7 Read The Church’s social role – p54 AQA
What were the chantries? What was the role of the confraternities? What were pilgrimages? What was Rogationtide?

8 Religious orders What were monastries? Why were they created?
Why was their a proliferation of monastries in the later 15thC? What social class of people entered the Monastries? What was a friary? Who joined them? What was a nunnery?

9 Lollards Who was Wycliffe? What did he advocate?
How did he and the Lollards criticise the church? How did the Church respond to the criticisim of the Lollards? Who were the Humanists? What were their ideas?

10 Education Who was educated? Where were they educated?

11 Polyphonic Choral Music
Medieval Pipe music

12 Developments in Education
Drama Art and Architecture Music

13 Mummers and Mystery plays

14 Strengths Weaknesses King Nobility Leading Churchmen Local Community Ordinary People

15 TWE, by 1509 was the church in need of reform?
What was the intended role of the church? What roles was the church succeeding at? What roles was the church failing at?

16 TWE, by 1509, was the Church in England in need of reform?
One role of the church was……in this it was succeeding. One role of the church was……in this it was failing and in need of reform.

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