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Parts of Speech!!.

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1 Parts of Speech!!

2 8 Parts of Speech Noun Common Noun Proper Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective
Adverb Preposition Interjection Conjunctions

3 Noun Gary sat at his desk with his pencil and paper. Person: Place:
Thing: Idea: Common Noun: General Proper Noun: Specific Gary sat at his desk with his pencil and paper.

4 Pronoun Stands in the place of a noun.
Kali went to the movies She went to the movies. Bobby, Anthony, and Sarah went to the park They went to the park. Examples of Pronouns: Who, whom, they, them, I, me, she, he, us, myself, these, those, each, either….

5 Verbs Describe a mental or physical action.
Fabio ran to the store. Harry Potter rode on his broomstick. Linking Verb: Connects the subject to the word that describes the subject. Larry has been sick. They shall be happy ever after.

6 Examples!! Billy ran to the neighbors to see if they had any sugar.
Lee likes to vacuum the classroom. I have four dogs that like to sleep.

7 Adjective Describes a Noun or a Pronoun. Which? How many? What kind?
My sister has five kittens. We went to the red building. Ben has an adorable baby.

8 Adverb Describes a Verb, Adjective, or another Adverb.-Usually ends in an -ly He ran quickly. It also tells where and when action happened. We went there yesterday. They built a toy store nearby.

9 Preposition Shows a relationship to another word.
The book was on the table. We ran around the store. We slept in the tent.

10 Interjection Exclamatory word, usually expresses a strong emotion.
Wow! Look at that sunset! Stop! A car is coming!

11 Conjunction Word that joins a word or groups of words.
Pizza and burgers are my favorite snack. For And Nor But Or Yet So

12 Practice She loves animals Jodi and Jake ran around the tall building.
Yes! School is over! Target is Justin's favorite store. The book was on top of the table. We went out for ice cream ,but not pizza.

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