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Vocabulary for Each Act

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1 Vocabulary for Each Act
Julius Caesar Vocabulary for Each Act

2 Act I Abridged: (v) to reduce or lessen in duration
Affable: (adj.) easy to talk to Ascend: (v) to move, climb, or go upward Augmented: (v) to make greater in size Confounded: (adj.) confused Hideous: (adj.) horrible to the senses Impertinent: (adj.) rude OR irrelevant Interred: (v) to place in a grave or tomb Kindle: (v) to start a fire or to excite

3 Act I continued Malice: (v) desire to inflict injury or harm
Mutiny: (n) rebellion against authority (especially against officers) Prostrate: (v) to lay flat on the ground Rhetoric: (n) language that is persuasive in nature Spurn: (v) to reject with dislike

4 Act II Vocabulary Bequeathing: (v) to pass (something) on to another
Clamor: (n) a loud uproar Contaminate: (v) to make impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something Covert: (adj.) secret; disguised Emulation: (n) jealous rivalry OR to equal or excel compared to another Entreat: (v) to ask earnestly; implore; beg Fray: (n) fight, battle Grievous: (adj) causing great sorrow

5 Act II continued Indignant: (adj) feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something; offensive Legacy: (n) anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor Lest: (conj) to avoid the risk of Rabblement: (n) disturbance Reverence: (n) a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe Taper: (n) a slender candle Tyranny: (n) cruel and oppressive government rule Vanquished: (v) to defeat or conquer in battle

6 Act III Vocabulary Coffers: (n) box or chest for valuables
Conspiracy: (n) evil, unlawful plan put together in secret by two or more people Cumber: (v. or n.) to hinder or burden; a hindrance or burden Enfranchisement: (n) to set free, liberate, give rights (enfranchise – verb) Engendered: (v) to produce, cause, or bring into existence Foe: (n) enemy Melancholy: (n) gloomy state of mind Mettle: (n) courage

7 Act III continued Obscure: (adj.) unclear, vague, obscured
Oration: (n) a formal public speech, especially one delivered on a special occasion, as on an anniversary, at a funeral, or at academic exercises. Portentous: (adj) of the nature of an omen; marvelous Prodigy: (n) a young person having extraordinary skill or talent Repute: (n or v) favorable reputation; to consider to believe a person with high regard Tarry: (v) to delay or be tardy Vexed: (adj) irritated or annoyed

8 Act IV Vocabulary Carrion: (n. or adj.) putrefying flesh; rottenness
Chastisement: (n) severe criticism Extenuate: (v) to make a fault or offense seem less serious Exigent: (adj) requiring immediate action; urgent Exploit: (n) notable deed or heroic act Kites: (n) bird of prey

9 Act IV continued Mirth: (n) amusement or laughter
Nimbleness: (n) quick and light in movement Provender: (n) food, provisions (usually hay for livestock) Throng: (n) a crowd Vaunting: (adj) marked by boastful pride Waspish: (adj) spiteful OR having a slender build

10 Act V Vocabulary Cur: (n) dog; coward
Ensign: (n) flag, banner, token, sign, badge, or emblem indicating nationality or authority Parley: (n) a discussion OR conference between enemies under a truce, often to discuss terms of surrender Peevish: (adj.) cross, annoyed, fretful Reveler: (v) to take great pleasure or delight Spoils: (n) loot Stoic: (adj. or n.) no emotion – unmoved by joy or grief

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