Letizia Stanghellini NOAO 16 June 2008 – Science with Giant Telescopes

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1 Letizia Stanghellini NOAO 16 June 2008 – Science with Giant Telescopes
TAC issues Letizia Stanghellini NOAO 16 June 2008 – Science with Giant Telescopes

2 The NOAO TAC The NOAO TAC system deals with the community access to:
The national observatories (KPNO, CTIO) Gemini (international partnership) Public and private partnership observatories NOAO + university partners (e.g., WIYN, SOAR) NOAO public time on Keck, Magellan, MMT, HET via TSIP NOAO TAC science-based; observers request selection of telescopes/instruments offered, based on their science needs TAC Members chosen from the community at large, based on scientific excellence

3 TAC models Single observatory International partners Multi-partners
ESO (one OPC, national partners shares expected to be fulfilled- members selected from member counties) Gemini (national TACs, ITAC to oversee queue/shares/ToO ) Multi-partners Keck, Magellan, WIYN (member TACs, no super-TAC, no general ToO policy except for public access)

4 TAC models – ground based obs.
Partner TACs plus observatory TAC (i.e., super-TAC) Oversight of science policies, control over science time especially ToO Lesser partners are disadvantaged (especially if queue modes are used, since availability of specific weather conditions is limited) Pre-determined shares and partner TACs Limited scientific oversight Partners more likely to get their fair share

5 Proposal pressure

6 Distribution of the size of
scheduled programs Telescope aperture < 6m (KP, CT, WIYN, SOAR) Telescope aperture > 6m (GEM and TSIP) Note the evolution toward smaller programs

7 Scheduled programs by team size Over time, the number of large (>5 people) teams is almost invariant for proposals requesting small apertures, while it increases for those requesting large apertures

8 Joint NASA/NOAO programs

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