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comparative adjectives and adverbs

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Presentation on theme: "comparative adjectives and adverbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 comparative adjectives and adverbs
(形容词和副词的比较级) 蒲丽莎 陵江镇中

2 Do you know adjective (形容词) Can you tell me some adjectives?

3 opposites 反义词 (头脑风暴) Brainstorming … … tall and short heavy and thin …
本资料版权属作者和21世纪教育网( heavy and thin opposites 反义词

4 Describe the person What does he look like? What is he like?
What does he like? What can he do? What is he good at?

5 What does he look like? What does he like? What can he do?
What is he like? What does he like? What can he do? What is he good at?

6 Let's compare them

7 appearance hair/beard face/eyes mouth/nose build clothes/classes

8 personality funny calm(沉着的) nice / kind quiet serious smart / clever
cool strict easygoing(随和的) calm(沉着的) 新目标英语工作室( outgoing friendly wild(鲁莽的,粗野的)

9 Your show time: Talk about your parents, relatives,friends,classmates
or teachers and compare them . You can draw a picture of them,and tell us the differences among them. You can get five slices for this part, and more if you have done a good job.


11 Tell the comparative forms of these words
add “er” dirrectly long_____ longger short______ shorter wild_______ wilder quiet______ quieter If there is an “e” ,only add “r”. large______ larger wide______ wider cute______ cuter white______ whiter double the last letter,and add “er” hot______ hotter wet______ wetter big_______ bigger thin__________ thinner change “y” into “i”,and add “er”. heavy_______ heavier happy______ happier easy______ easier dry______ drier

12 athletic_____________ loudly______________
add “more” before the word more athletic more loudly athletic_____________ loudly______________ more beautiful beautiful____________ more serious serious_______________ more outgoing careful______________ more careful outgoing______________

13 Irregular variation(不规则变化)
better worse good/well__________ bad/ill____________ more older/elder many/much__________ old_____________ little__________ less farther/further far____________

14 (1) Now you are the teachers. (A) (A) (C) (C) (D)
(Let's do some exercise.) (1) (A) 1.You look so tired. My mother makes me________ playing the piano for two hours every day. A.practice B. to practice C. practicing 2.The more junk food you eat, _________ healthy you will be. A. the less B. the more C. more D. less 3. Miss White, could you please speak _______? We can't hear you. A. quickly B. hardly C. loudly D. finally 4.Sam likes sports and is ________ than his sister. A. athletic B. athleticer C. more athletic D. most athletic 5. I think English is as _______ as maths. A. more interesting B. most interestng C. the most interesting D. interesting (A) (C) (C) (D)

15 (2) (C) 1.John's parents work in the hospital. They _______ doctors. A. all are B. are all C. are both D. both are 2. _______ we felt tired,_______ we felt happy. A. Though, but B. If, but C. Though.\ D. If, though 3.I'm sure you can get good grades ______ you work hard. A. as many as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as long as 4.The food ____ my hometown is quite different _____ that there. A. in,like B. to, from C. from,to D. in ,from 5. It's raining ______ A. heavily and heavily B. heavier and heavier C. more and more heavy D. more and more heavily (C) (D) (D) (D)

16 (3) (C) 1.What do you think of Tara? she is ____than Tina. A. much outgoing B. outgoing C.more outgoing D. more much outgoing 2. I think maths is _______ than English. A. difficult B. much difficult C. much more difficult D.difficulter 3.Who ______ the tennis game yesterday? Jack,he _____all the others. A. beat, won B. won, won C. beat,beat D. won,beat 4. There are a lot of colorful flowers on _____ sides of the streets. A. each B. both C. either D. all 5.Can you understand me Tony? Yes, madam. You speak _____ I can follow you. A. enough clear B. clear enough C. enough clearly D. clearly enough (C) (D) (B) (D)

17 You're actors. Use comparative adjectives to
Let's see who is the best actor? Use comparative adjectives to make a conversation in your group. then role-play the conversation.

18 count how many slices has your group got,and let's see
Who is today's winner?

19 That's all. Thanks for listening! Goodbye!

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