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Cold War Timeline Ch. 33 & 34.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Timeline Ch. 33 & 34."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Timeline Ch. 33 & 34

2 Definition: Cold War a conflict over ideological differences carried on by methods short of sustained overt military action and usually without breaking off diplomatic relations. *Between the USA and USSR

3 USA vs. USSR

4 1945: Hiroshima (A-bomb)

5 1946: Iron Curtain

6 1947: Greece

7 1947: Marshall Plan

8 1947: Truman Doctrine

9 1948: Berlin Airlift

10 1949: Red China

11 1949: NATO

12 : Korean War

13 1952: H-Bomb

14 1953: Death of Stalin

15 1957: Sputnik

16 1961: Berlin Wall

17 : Vietnam

18 : Afghanistan

19 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

20 1981: Evil Empire

21 1985: Gorbachev

22 1989: Berlin Wall Comes Down

23 1991: End of USSR & Cold War

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