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Presentation is based on the workbook by: Liptak & Leutenberg (2008)

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation is based on the workbook by: Liptak & Leutenberg (2008)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning From living with anger to a life of peace and tranquility
Presentation is based on the workbook by: Liptak & Leutenberg (2008). Anger & Aggression. Whole Person Associates: Duluth, MN. created by Mary Henderson-White

2 blaming Blaming is the best way to stay in a problem:
1. Blaming others gives away all your power. 2. Blaming holds onto unresolved conflicts. created by Mary Henderson-White

3 blaming 3. A time comes when you have to give up angry feelings.
4. You have to take control of your life. 5. Blaming others takes away your ability to take action. created by Mary Henderson-White

4 The Past Cannot be Changed
The past is gone and alive only in your mind. In the past, you experience the memories and not the situation. 1. Look at your past differently. 2. See your true self. 3. Look at the negative self-image as an illusion. created by Mary Henderson-White

5 Take responsibility for your emotions
From this day forth, Take full responsibility for What happens to you! created by Mary Henderson-White

6 Go back and reexamine your life in a new light.
Move from your past Go back and reexamine your life in a new light. 1. Act rather than react. 2. At the right time, forgive the people that hurt you. created by Mary Henderson-White

7 Forgive and forget Hatred and vengeance keep you emotionally imprisoned with the feelings and thoughts that are in control. 1. Negative thoughts and feelings cloud your perception of situations, events and other people. created by Mary Henderson-White

8 2. You focus on negatives rather than positives.
Forgive and forget 2. You focus on negatives rather than positives. 3. You hold onto thoughts of revenge so that you can feel sorry for yourself. created by Mary Henderson-White

9 Release all negative feelings
Sadness Fear Jealousy Hurt Frustration Depression Anger created by Mary Henderson-White

10 Forgive yourself and others
Let go of Pain Forgive yourself and others Move forward created by Mary Henderson-White

11 Understanding your anger
Anger and aggression are not illnesses. They are a series of learned behaviors. They are poor choices. created by Mary Henderson-White

12 Anger management process
Identify irrational attitudes and beliefs that predispose you to excessive anger. Identify factors from childhood that prevent you from expressing anger effectively. created by Mary Henderson-White

13 Anger management process
Forgive those who have hurt you. Learn appropriate ways to express anger to others. created by Mary Henderson-White

14 Recognize physiological signs of anger
Heart beating fast Breathing rate increases Fist clenched Face feels hot or cold Hands shake created by Mary Henderson-White

15 Recognize physiological signs of anger
Profuse sweating Higher body temperature Sudden dry mouth Stuttering Muscle tensing created by Mary Henderson-White

16 Recognize physiological signs of anger
Goose Bumps Face turns pale or red Teeth grinding, jaw clenching created by Mary Henderson-White

17 Problems with suppressing anger
Start suffering depression Experience Lower self- esteem Suffer from anxiety attacks created by Mary Henderson-White

18 Problems with suppressing anger
Hide behind drugs and/or alcohol Hurt yourself and others Hate yourself Explode created by Mary Henderson-White

19 Coping with anger Its time to make a decision Get out of the situation
1. Techniques to escape: Its time to make a decision Get out of the situation Remove yourself Physically Leave the area Emotionally calm down Cognitively positive self talk created by Mary Henderson-White

20 Coping with anger 2. Ways to calm down Breathing exercises
Aerobic exercises Progressive muscle relaxation: Sit in a comfortable position Close your eyes Feel your body relaxing Think of yourself as a ragdoll Let the relaxation pass through each organ and body part Speak to each body part-”My feet are relaxed, etc…” created by Mary Henderson-White

21 Coping with anger Meditate
Thought control-Say powerful, self sufficient, self empowering statements like: I don’t have to take this personally. They are entitled to their opinion. created by Mary Henderson-White

22 I will react differently this time. This is a challenge not a problem
Coping with anger I will react differently this time. This is a challenge not a problem Life isn’t fair These types of things happen to all people created by Mary Henderson-White

23 Coping with anger Listen to Music Identify Physical signs
Keep an anger diary-When did I become angry? What was the situation? Who was with me? Use Humor Recreation created by Mary Henderson-White

24 Physical Reactions to Anger
Skin hot or cold Loss of appetite Acne Fatigue Migraine headaches Neck pain Stomachache Sleeping too much or inability to sleep created by Mary Henderson-White

25 Health consequences of anger
Heart disease Cancer Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriasis Ulcers or other stomach problems Epilepsy Raynaud’s disease High blood pressure created by Mary Henderson-White

26 Anger as a secondary emotion
Anger is often a cover-up for prior, stronger feelings of: Frustration Guilt Loneliness Fear Rejection Hurt Self-doubt created by Mary Henderson-White

27 Anger expression styles
Passive aggressive -frustrate others in more subtle, passive ways. Revengeful and vindictive. Assertive-Still considerate of other needs and feelings. You will stick up for yourself without becoming angry when others disagree with you. created by Mary Henderson-White

28 Anger expression styles
Open aggression -You express anger through openly aggressive words and behaviors, including rage, intimidation, and explosive anger. Can also include criticizing others, bickering and fighting verbally with others. created by Mary Henderson-White

29 Anger expression styles
Suppression -Hesitant to admit your own anger. Decide not to lower yourself to expressions of anger. Put on a good front and hold it in until later. Passive -Difficulty standing up for yourself. Tend to have low self esteem and believe others are always right. Give up on things you want to avoid criticism. created by Mary Henderson-White

30 The New Me-Productive Anger
Send a clear, non threatening, message. Make eye contact. Listen actively to convey interest. Stay calm. created by Mary Henderson-White

31 The New Me-Productive Anger
Negotiate. Discuss your anger with others. When and if appropriate- Discuss your anger with the person with whom you are angry. created by Mary Henderson-White

32 Anger effects in the workplace
Lower productivity High turnover rates Missed deadlines Lower morale Less creativity Chronic fatigue Power struggles created by Mary Henderson-White

33 Substances that increase anger and aggression
Alcohol Nicotine Caffeine Sugar Drugs like marijuana Cocaine created by Mary Henderson-White

34 Blowing off anger in a healthy manner
Recognize it for what it is. Determine what made you angry. Stop before you act. Calm down by counting to thirty. Take a deep breath. Think about what you want to say. Tell the person how you are feeling. Try to negotiate. created by Mary Henderson-White

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