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ASU-Beebe Oral Communication R. Jared Hogue, MSE

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Presentation on theme: "ASU-Beebe Oral Communication R. Jared Hogue, MSE"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASU-Beebe Oral Communication R. Jared Hogue, MSE http://asuenglish

2 Chapters Three/Four Quiz Discussion

3 1. As an audience member, have you ever felt that a speaker was intentionally misleading you? What gave you this feeling? How might you have verified his or her facts?

4 2. Reflect on your own listening skills
2. Reflect on your own listening skills. How well do you process information as you listen? How well do you retain a speaker’s message? What are some techniques you can employ to improve each of these?

5 3. Give three reasons why our culture might negatively affect our ability to listen. Explain. How can we counteract each of these?

6 Class Discussion: 7 Secrets Video
  -What did you take away from the speaker’s message?       -Was he practicing what he was preaching?       -How does the speaker establish trust with the audience?

7 Chapter Five: Audience Analysis Let the audience drive your message.

8 Understanding Situational Characteristics:
Size Time Mobility

9 Incorporating Demographics
Age Gender Sexual Orientation Race and Ethnicity Religion Socioeconomics Politics

10 Ch 5 summary points Seeking Common Ground Identifying Prior Exposure
Identifying Audience Disposition Gathering Information about your Audience Situational Audience Analysis

11 Chapter Six: Selecting Your Topic

12 Research Brainstorming Word Association Mind Mapping
Developing a Topic Research Brainstorming Word Association Mind Mapping

13 Your Turn Get into groups of three
Create a list of topics that would be interesting Discuss why or why not

14 Now, using one of those topics, or creating a new one that is familiar to you, prepare a 60-second mini-speech.

15 Group Presentation Groups of 3
Choose from one of the following topics: Should flag burning as a form of protest be prohibited? If given the opportunity, should parents genetically modify their children? Should parents lie to their children about Santa? Should there be stricter federal restrictions regarding content on the internet? Should the government have a say in our diets? Should assault weapons be legal? Should it be mandatory for student athletes to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?

16 - Discuss ideas with your group - Assign roles (sub-topics) - Take a moment to research

17 Homework Read Chapters Five and Six
Complete the Chapters Five/Six Quiz; due at the START of class next week Research you subtopic and come prepared to meet with your group, continue research, and prepare your visual aid

18 Any Questions?

19 Have a great week!

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