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A Guide to Launching Writers Workshop Grade 2

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1 A Guide to Launching Writers Workshop Grade 2
Megan Baublitz, Rebekah Groop, Sally Rogers

2 What can I find in this powerpoint?
Room set up Materials and preparation Launching Writer’s Workshop Beginning Mini Lessons

3 Room Set Up Essentials How do I prepare my room for writer’s workshop?
Individual work showcase area for each student Meeting place- Mini lessons Established quiet space/ talk space Writing areas- Choices? Comfort? Designated teacher conference space if desired Space for anchor charts Designated area for peer conferencing

4 Materials/ Preparation
Writer’s workshop 4 pocket folder for each student Tool space with materials Anchor charts (breakdown of writers workshop routine, list of mini lessons taught, blank charts for upcoming lessons)

5 Launching Writer’s Workshop
Day 1- Use mentor text- Library Mouse to kick off Writer’s Workshop Show students Writer’s Workshop folder and describe how it will be used Go over PIE chart- structure of WW

6 Day 2 What do good writers look/ sound like anchor chart- make with students (practice) Include expectations for mini lesson, writing time, and share time

7 Mini lesson on peer sharing (turn and talk, group sharing, PQP)
Day 3- Mini lesson on peer sharing (turn and talk, group sharing, PQP) Focus strongly on PQP- model and come up with lists on how to praise, question, and polish appropriately and in a meaningful way Question ? Can you tell me more about ________________________? What happened next? How did the ________________________________? Why did the ___________________________________? When or where did ___________________________________? *Make your own question sentence. Praise  I liked your story because _________________. The best sentence was _____________ because_________________________________. It was interesting when ____________________. I liked your story because I learned ________. *Make your own praise sentence. Polish  You could _________________. I think that you should change it to _________ because _________. _____________________ might work better because ___________. Add _______________ to ___________________. Remove __________________ because _____________________. *Make your own polish sentence.

8 Days 4-6 Mini lesson on brainstorming.
Set up the writers notebook/ folder over the next 3 days Complete choice of heart map, treasure map, memory hand, feet map, family portrait, my bucket list, all about me, etc. Note- Use a clip of “Inside Out” to engage students for the memory hand.

9 Day 7- Mini lesson- “What do I do if I’m done?” Create anchor chart together

10 Day 8- Mini lesson- writing process I need a conference routines (peer and teacher)

11 Mini Lessons Peer Response
Choice of structure- assigned partners, conferencing partners, table groups Peer feedback area in the room with materials available PQP cards “TAG” you’re it- Tell the writer something you like, Ask the writer a question, Give a positive suggestion. Glow and Grow Conference starters/ thinking stems Peer checklists

12 Teacher conferencing Teacher checklist for formative data of skills
Conferencing log- note date, skills discussed, and goal Calendar to track student conferences Sign up area for students to tell they need a conference

13 Sharing/ Celebration Choice of structure- assigned partners, conferencing partners, table groups, whole group Focus on mini lesson skills Use PQP or other desired format Consider visuals Sign up area for peer conferencing

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