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Created by Tim Ernst.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Tim Ernst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Tim Ernst

2 How to play: You are divided into groups or teams. The person that will select the first value and category will be chosen at random. The first group to raise their hand or beep in will have a short time to give the answer in question form. If they can not answer in the allotted time the other groups will have a chance to answer by raising their hand or beeping in. There is a daily double and the team will be able to wager money on that question. There is also final Jeopardy where all the teams will have to write down the correct answer to the question with their wager. At the end of the game, the team with the most money wins. Good Luck!

3 Our Topics today are… Layers of the Earth

4 Rocks

5 Soil

6 Plate Tectonics

7 Geological Time Scale

8 Geological Processes

9 States of Matter Science Tidbits Vocabulary Properties of Matter
Earth layers Rocks Soil Plate tectonics Time Scale Geo process Measuring Matter States of Matter Metrics Science Tidbits Vocabulary Properties of Matter 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

10 The outermost physical layer of the earth.
What is Lithosphere

11 The liquid layer believed to give the earth a magnetic field.
What is outer core?

12 The thinnest chemical layer.
What is crust?

13 The layer that makes up 67% of the earth’s mass.
What is mantle?

14 The layer that the tectonic plates sit on.
What is asthenosphere?

15 Rocks formed by pressing and cementing.
What is sedimentary?

16 Rocks formed by extreme heat and pressure.
What is metamorphic?

17 These types of rocks are often found formed from volcanoes.
What is igneous?

18 Strata is a characteristic of this type of rock.
What is sedimentary?

19 What is melt and cool/solidify?
This has to happen in order for a sedimentary rock to change into an igneous rock. What is melt and cool/solidify?

20 Soil is made of pieces of rock and …
What is organic matter?

21 Small grain soil that doesn’t absorb water well.
What is clay?

22 Large grain soil that is very permeable.
What is sand?

23 Decaying, organic matter is called …
What is humus?


25 Soil with a combination of sand, silt, and clay.
How Much would you Like to Wager? Soil with a combination of sand, silt, and clay. What is topsoil?

26 The super continent. What is Pangaea?

27 Mountains can be formed by this type of plate movement.
What is convergent?

28 The theory that the continents broke up and are moving.
What is continental drift?

29 Sea-floor spreading occurs at this type of plate boundary.
What is divergent?

30 Tectonic plate boundaries that slide past each other.
What is transform?

31 The idea that younger rocks are above older ones.
What is superposition?

32 What is relative dating?
Determining the age of objects in comparison to other objects. What is relative dating?

33 The study of past life using fossils.
What is paleontology?

34 The earth is believed to be this old.
What is 4,600,000,000?

35 How a fossil can be dated absolutely What is Radio-carbon dating?

36 The breaking up of rock. What is weathering?

37 The Ring of Fire is known for this. What is earthquakes and volcanoes?

38 Movement of rock to the surface.
What is uplift?

39 The carrying away of sediments.
What is erosion?

40 Michigan and the great lakes were formed by this.
What are glaciers

41 Name the three basic types of rocks and how they are formed
Final Jeopardy Name the three basic types of rocks and how they are formed

42 What is igneous formed by melting and cooling?
What is metamorphic formed by heat and pressure? What is sedimentary formed by weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation?

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