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Do fish and plants breath?

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Presentation on theme: "Do fish and plants breath?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do fish and plants breath?
Developing: Describe methods of detecting aerobic respiration. Secure: Explain how gas exchange occurs in different organisms. Exceeding: Analyse changes between inhaled air and exhaled air. Entrance Activity Swap question sheets from the previous lesson and attempt to answer your partners question. Tool Box - Key words Hydrogen carbonate indicator Cobalt chloride paper Limewater Gills Stomata

2 Do fish and plants breath? Do fish and plants need oxygen?
Discussion activity Do fish and plants breath? Do fish and plants need oxygen?

3 Teacher Demo Lime Water Student reading Lime water (Calcium Hydroxide) is an indicator for carbon dioxide. If carbon dioxide is bubbled through lime water it turns to a cloudy/milky white, Tube Colour change Carbon dioxide? A B

4 Hydrogen Carbonate Indicator
Teacher Demo Hydrogen Carbonate Indicator Student Reading Hydrogen carbonate indicator is a pink solution. If carbon dioxide is added to the solution it decreases the pH and changes the solution yellow. Whereas, is carbon dioxide is removed it increases the pH and turns purple.

5 Teacher Demo Cobalt chloride paper Student Reading Cobalt chloride paper is an indicator for water. When water is applied to cobalt chloride paper it changes from blue to pink. Try breathing onto a piece of cobalt chloride paper and observe the change.

6 Identifying Gases Learning Activity Attempt to complete the 8Cd learning sheet. Once complete move onto the extension activity, shown below. Extension Activity Produce a brief description of how to do the following tests: Limewater Colbolt chloride Hydrogen carbonate indicator

7 Do fish and plants breath?
Developing: Describe methods of detecting aerobic respiration. Secure: Explain how gas exchange occurs in different organisms. Exceeding: Analyse changes between inhaled air and exhaled air. Entrance Activity Swap question sheets from the previous lesson and attempt to answer your partners question. Tool Box - Key words Hydrogen carbonate indicator Cobalt chloride paper Limewater Gills Stomata

8 Gas Exchanges in Plants
Teacher Explanation

9 Gas Exchanges in Plants
Teacher Explanation Name part X. If the plant is only doing respiration, which gases will move in and out of the plant? If the plant is only doing photosynthesis, which gases will move in and out of the plant?

10 Do fish and plants breath?
Developing: Describe methods of detecting aerobic respiration. Secure: Explain how gas exchange occurs in different organisms. Exceeding: Analyse changes between inhaled air and exhaled air. Entrance Activity Swap question sheets from the previous lesson and attempt to answer your partners question. Tool Box - Key words Hydrogen carbonate indicator Cobalt chloride paper Limewater Gills Stomata

11 Learning Activity Inhaled vs Exhaled Inhaled air (%) Exhaled air (%) Nitrogen 78 Oxygen 21 16 Carbon dioxide 0.04 4 Water vapour Variable Increase in water Temperature Increase in temp Write a conclusion to summarise the changes in the different gas levels shown above. Where possible, explain why this change has occurred using your scientific knowledge.

12 Do fish and plants breath?
Developing: Describe methods of detecting aerobic respiration. Secure: Explain how gas exchange occurs in different organisms. Exceeding: Analyse changes between inhaled air and exhaled air. Entrance Activity Swap question sheets from the previous lesson and attempt to answer your partners question. Tool Box - Key words Hydrogen carbonate indicator Cobalt chloride paper Limewater Gills Stomata

13 Plenary Mini-Quiz

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