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Film Production Elements

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Presentation on theme: "Film Production Elements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Film Production Elements

2 Your Task Take the examples of production elements from slides 7-9, and place them in a dot point list under the appropriate headings on slides 3-6. When finished, delete this slide along with slides and add whichever design you wish to your presentation. If there are any terms you are unfamiliar with, put them on the slide you think is most likely the correct one, but highlight them. Then, search online for a definition of the term and insert a comment on the slide with the term’s definition. You can insert comments from the ‘Review’ menu in PowerPoint or from the ‘Insert’ menu in Google Slides.





7 Costumes & make-up Manipulation of speed The angle of the shots Movement of the camera, such as panning & tilting Colour & quality of light Transitions between shots Volume Diegetic sound

8 How characters, props and setting are placed within a frame…spatial relations within the frame
Dialogue Duration of shots Zoom Juxtaposition of shots How camera is positioned – the size of the frame Colours Shadows

9 Visual rhythm Lighting Placement of scenes Silence Music Special effects Voice Over Focus and depth of field Non-diegetic sound

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