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Types of Ecosystems Packet #23 Chapter #6.

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1 Types of Ecosystems Packet #23 Chapter #6

2 Introduction/Review of Ecosystems
Complete community of living organisms and the nonliving materials of their surroundings Consists of Biotic components Abiotic components

3 Categories of Ecosystems

4 Introduction Biome Major ecosystem spread over a wide geographic area and characterized by certain types of flora and fauna. Large terrestrial region characterized by similar climate, soil and living things

5 Terrestrial Biomes Tundra
Cold, boggy plains of the far north Extremely short growing season Little precipitation Nutrient-poor soil Lichens; mosses; sedges; dwarf shrubs.

6 Terrestrial Biomes II Taiga
Evergreen forest of the north Longer growing season Long cold winters and short, cool summers. Little precipitation Yields much lumber and pulpwood Has deciduous trees but conifers dominate Short grasses; low diversity

7 Terrestrial Biomes III Temperate Rain Forest
Characterized by cool weather, dense fog, and high precipitation Dominant trees are conifers Yields lumber and pulpwood NW United States

8 Terrestrial Biomes IV Temperate Deciduous Forest
Dense canopy of broad tree leaves Great seasonal variation in temperature and moderate precipitation Being converted to agriculture in many areas on the world

9 Terrestrial Biomes V Grasslands
Temperate areas of moderate precipitation Hot summers and cold winters Most native grasslands have been converted to agriculture and are well suited to raising cereal crops

10 Terrestrial Biomes VI Chaparral
Thicket of evergreen shrubs and small trees Dominated by drought resistant shrubs and is adapted to fire Found in California and Western Austrialia

11 Terrestrial Biomes VII Deserts
Arid ecosystems Dry areas found in temperate (cold deserts) and subtropical and tropical regions (warm deserts) Low precipitation results in sparse vegetation Desert plants exhibit allelopathy

12 Terrestrial Biomes VIII Savanna
Tropical grassland with scattered trees Tropical rain season and arid dry season Often converted to rangeland for domesticated animals Perennial grasses, shrubs, sparse trees and diverse large mammals

13 Terrestrial Biomes IX Forests in Tropical Areas
Tropical Dry Forests Have both wet and dry seasons

14 Terrestrial Biomes X Tropical Rain Forests
Characterized by high precipitation and high temperatures Threatened by overpopulation Most diverse biome with many species from all domains Did you know that there is a tropical rain forest right here in the US?

15 Aquatic Ecosystems/Biomes

16 Aquatic Ecosystems Classified primarily on abiotic factors but also on types of organisms Vary in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and current Three categories of organisms Plankton Phytoplankton Photosynthetic organisms Zooplankton Hetereotrophic protozoans Nekton Benthic Organisms that live on or in the bottom

17 Freshwater Ecosystems
Include flowing-water ecosystems, standing-water ecosystems and wetlands Lakes/ponds Rivers/streams

18 Flowing-water Ecosystems
Rivers & Smaller Streams Rivers are typically deep, slow flowing and have less dissolved oxygen River Nile

19 Standing-Water Ecosystems
Ponds and Lakes Standing water ecosystems Can be divided into different zones

20 Zones of Standing-Water Ecosystems
Littotal zone Shallow inshore zone surrounding the lake and may have emergent and non-emergent plants High light levels Limnetic zone Offshore with high light levels Phytoplankton found here Profundal Zone Below the depth of light penetration Aphotic Benthic Zone Bottom substrate; rich in detritus

21 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification
Large temperate lakes stratify (become layered) in both the summer and winter Thermocline zone is the zone of rapid temperature change The fall and spring turnovers are times of mixing of oxygen and minerals More on next slide

22 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification II
Temperature varies at different lengths during the summer The abrupt temperature transition is called the thermocline During spring and fall turnovers, a mixing of the upper and lower layers of water brings oxygen-depleted depths to the lake AND nutrient minerals to the mineral-deficient surface water.

23 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification III
Fall Turnover Surface water cools to 4˚C Density increases and water sinks and displaces less dense, warmer, mineral-rich water below Warmer water rises to surface and cools and sinks as well Process of sinking and cooling continues until a uniform temperature is reached.

24 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification IV
Winter Surface water cools below 4˚C This temperature is important because it is the temperature at which water has its greatest density If cold enough, ice forms on the at 0˚C Ice is less dense than liquid water The water on the bottom is warmer than the ice on top

25 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification V
Spring turnover Occurs as ice melts and surface temperature reaches 4˚C Water becomes dense and sinks to the bottom Bottom water returns to the top Summer Thermal stratification occurs once again The establishment of a thermocline

26 Temperate Lakes Thermal Stratification VI
Why important? Mentioned previously More nutrient minerals at the surface encourages development of large algal and cyanobacterial populations Temporary blooms in the fall and spring

27 Ponds & Lakes Continued
Increased nutrients, stimulated by human activities, fertilizers that contain phosphates and raw sewage, stimulate algal growth Enrichment caused by human activities leads to eutrophication HW—Define Oligiotrophic Eutrophic Mesotrophic

28 Freshwater Wetlands Transitional between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems Hardwood bottom forests Prairie potholes Peat bogs

29 Estuaries

30 Introduction Occur where fresh water and saltwater meet
Undergo marked changes in temperature, salinity and other physical characteristics Two thirds of the world’s population lives within 150km of a coastline and hence cause impacts on these areas.

31 Salt Marshes & Temperate Estuaries
Very productive and are important breeding sites for fish Temperate estuaries Salt marshes dominated by grasses and sedges

32 Mangrove Forests Dominate in tropical areas and are also important breeding sites for fish

33 Marine Ecosystems

34 Introduction Dominate earth’s surface Intertidal zone
Divided into different zones Intertidal zone Transitional between land and ocean Area between low and high tides When was the last time you had a walk on the beach? Stressful habitat

35 Types of Intertidal Zones
Sandy intertidal zones are characterized by shifting sand Quicksand? Rocky Intertidal zones Provide anchorage for algae and animals

36 Seagrass Beds, Kelp Forests & Coral Reefs
Part of benthic environment/zone Abyssal Zone Depth of 4000m to 6000m Hadal Zone Greater than 6000m Coral reefs are restricted to shallow depths and are very productive benthic environments

37 Neritic Province/Zone
Shallow waters that are close to shore Up to 200m Euphotic Region/Photic Zone Lit zone where photosynthesis takes place Zooplankton eat phytoplankton Nektonic organisms eat zooplankton

38 Oceanic Province/Zone
Depths greater than 200m Comprises most of the ocean Marine snow is organic debris that “rains” down into the euphotic/photic region Overfishing is a threat to both neritic and oceanic provinces The Georges Bank in New England

39 Review

40 Review Students are encouraged to insert their charts and questions on following slides.

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