Graphic Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic Communication
Higher CAD What to Remember

2 Extrude Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in an extrude question; Mention the command - EXTRUDE Create a Profile (Using dimensions if shown) Add/Subtract material Size of extrude

3 Revolve Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in a revolve question; Mention the command - REVOLVE Create a Profile (Using dimensions if shown) Create an Axis Size of revolution (360 degrees if full revolution)

4 Loft Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in a loft question; Mention the command - LOFT Create a Profile (Using dimensions if shown) Create an Offset Workplane Create a New Profile Select all profiles

5 Helix Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in a Helix question; Mention the command - HELIX Create a Profile (Using dimensions if shown) Create an Axis (Remember same workplane, different sketch) Mention Pitch

6 Extrude Along a Path Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in a EXTRUDE ALONG A PATH question; Mention the command – Extrude Along a Path Create a Profile (Using dimensions if shown) Create a Path (For ProD - at right angle to the initial profile)

7 Shell Graphic Communication Higher CAD
Commands you need to remember to use in a shellquestion; Mention the command – Shell Select a Face to remove (Don’t need to if just making model hollow) Size of shell wall (Using dimensions if shown)

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