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Presentation on theme: "IS SIMPLIFYING COMPLICATED? Visit my website :"— Presentation transcript:

NOVEMBER 2014 We see a new technological release every day. When we think we are buying something that is state-of-the-art, there's actually already someone developing a new version of our object of desire. So it is with computers, cell phones, TV, etc. What to do? Buy and see our goods being supplanted by a better one in on or two years (or even months)? Wait to buy the next release (then we will not experience anything new, ever), or keep switching technology all the time (do we have assets for this)? The truth is that we are driven by uncontrollable, consumerist impulses. We buy advanced equipment and most often do not even read the manual. We only use about 30% to 40% of the their available resources. Sometimes we use the goods for years without upgrading any time your software (a feature that most of them provide online). So is it worthy to enter this "paranoia" to be at the forefront just because of the hype? A good example of this is the mobile phone. It was developed to make calls "outside the home", and make our lives easier (remember the old models, "tijolões" - big bricks?). What happened is that we have become slaves of this "infamous" little device. Few are those whom after leaving home without it and realizing it, do not come back to rescue it and put it back in their pocket (as if it were an amulet). But the phone has popularized so much that perhaps the last resource we use in it is the phone call. Today we do not need a camera or camcorder, we do not need a calculator or a scanner, we no longer need schedulers or calendars, we do not need radio or TV, (because among other hundreds resources, in our phones, the so called smart phone is in "enslaving" us, in the best sense of the word, with its charms and bringing applications to do everything on it). However, a large part of their users stay with the basics, hence they find it complicated to use all of their resources (especially, X and Y generations). Because of that, developers are increasingly committed to "simplify" the use of resources while generating quality. Simplifying is the watchword in order to "grab" that market share that has not yet been reached. Drawing a parallel to our corporate life, we will address the problems we face on a daily basis in our companies. Brazilian industries, no matter the segment, are increasing their automation. But the rate at which this is happening does not translate so that the necessary human resources are "produced", trained. And that's how a "poor" plant is created, a plant with professionals that when confronted with problems do not even know where to start what we call troubleshooting - in Portuguese we would call it find the root cause. This creates a great chaos, because instead of performing the analysis and solving the cause of the problem, it all goes down to an old habit called "trial and error". "It should be this or that, let's go trying and watching to see if it works". And depending on the technology we are working with, it can bring us trouble and losses that are not taken into account in the daily life (not measured in short and medium term, but only further down the we can see the negative result of these actions - if you have someone capable of noticing the correlation). But who is the responsible for conducting the actions so that they are guided to the ideal solution? Does the shareholder has knowledge of what happens to your enterprise? And if they have, do they require that the right actions are taken or when they're presented to the cost of a solution, they get "stunned and harmless"? Is it a role of the executive board or direct managers? Or maybe the professionals' themselves that are directly linked to the problem of identifying the disability and charging for a solution (to "merchandise" the problem)? These are questions that should be done and urgently addressed because in addition to the financial losses of these actions, or lack of them, we are losing the opportunity to develop trained workforce to deal with the issue. The truth is that something is only complicated until we know how it is designed and how it works, then it is as simple as learning how to "crawl". YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT - MAKE THINGS SIMPLE!!! MOTIVATION Visit my website :

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