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KLA Language Learner Nuts and Bolts

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Presentation on theme: "KLA Language Learner Nuts and Bolts"— Presentation transcript:

1 KLA Language Learner Nuts and Bolts

2 English Learner Designations
English Only EO I-FEP (initially fluent English proficient) English Learner Overall Performance Level (OPL) on the CELDT Five levels…What do they stand for? (B) (EI) (I) (EA) (A)

3 English Learner Designations
Reclassified R-FEP These students are monitored for two years/until proficient

4 New EL Standards (Purple pages in your binder)
Previous standards Common Core 2009 ELD Standards ELD Standards Five OPLs Three OPLs Beginning Early Intermediate (Entry) (Exit) Early Advanced Advanced Emerging Expanding Bridging

5 New EL Standards Previous standards Common Core
2009 ELD Standards ELD Standards Five OPLs Three OPLs Beginning Early Intermediate (Entry) (Exit) Early Advanced Advanced

6 CELDT Subtest Data Google document Cum folder Reese
New scores by the end of October

7 Class Rosters In your box next week Will have OPL

8 Support Strategies at KLA
Accountable Talk Shared Instruction (In class or pulled small groups) Sheltered middle school humanities ELD intervention groups in elementary

9 Support Strategies Please contact me for - Lesson/test planning support - Concerns about a student - Questions

10 CELDT Testing Who What When Where Why How
All Els and new bilingual student What Test to measure listening, writing, speaking and reading When September 7th-October 18th Where Room 10 Why data to drive instruction/funding How Begin with middle

11 Push Positivity

12 CELDT Tester Barbara Schultz Room 10 X- 2010

13 Questions?

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