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Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus.

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1 Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus.
Edict of Milan Who Wrote It? Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus. Emperor Constantine Augustus was very important for Christianity because he granted complete acceptance of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Constantine Augustus converted to Christianity and he wanted to grant greater freedom to Christians. Licinius Augustus ruled the eastern part of the empire. Baptism of Constantine

2 When was Edict of Milan written?
In 313 AD. Why was it written? The Edict allowed: Christians to pray outside of the public eye. Returned land and worship spaces to Christians that had been seized during the persecution. It did not make Christianity the official religion of the Empire but it gave Christianity equal status with Roman pagan religions.

3 Why is it still important today?
Some believe that it is the most important document in Christian history. Others say that Christians were finally free to evangelize (preach) and bring everyone into the Church. It allowed Christians to fully live their faith and witness the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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