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Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission

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Presentation on theme: "Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission
World Civilizations The Assyrians © John Stevenson, 2017 Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission

2 How would you define a “Terrorist Nation”?

3 Assyrians Early Assyrian Period Dark Ages 2000 – 1200 B.C.
Kassites in Babylon Mitanni Period Dark Ages 1200 – 900 B.C. Migrations Assyrian Cavalry

4 Assyrians Early Assyrian Period Dark Ages Neo-Assyrian Period
2000 – 1200 B.C. Kassites in Babylon Mitanni Period Dark Ages 1200 – 900 B.C. Migrations Assyrian Cavalry Neo-Assyrian Period 900 – 626 B.C. Expansion into the Levant Terror tactics Conquest of Egypt Fall of Nineveh 626 – 612 B.C.

5 The Assyrians A Literary People Assyrian Eponym Lists Assyrian Military Machine

6 Slingers





11 Nineveh !

12 Assyrian Terror Tactics




16 Tiglath-Pileser I Conquered most of Syria, Urartu, and Babylon
1116 – 1076 B.C. Conquered most of Syria, Urartu, and Babylon Took tribute from Sidon and Byblos Followed by a period of decline

17 Shalmaneser III Not the good-looking fellow in the foreground
Fought Ahab at Qarqar Laid siege to Damascus Tribute from Jehu

18 • Nineveh Joppa • Jerusalem



21 The Edict of the King He is not named
The Assyrian Empire was in a state of decline at the end of the 9th century Adad-Nirari III ( B.C.)

22 Adad-Nirari III Young when he came to throne Mother influential
810 – 782 B.C. Young when he came to throne Mother influential Campaign against Damascus Jehoash of Israel paid tribute Israel prosperous

23 Salmaneser IV Ashur-Dan III Ashur-Nirari V
Sons of Adad-Nirari III Salmaneser IV Ashur-Dan III Ashur-Nirari V Brothers Assyria gradually gave up her foreign possessions

24 Tiglath-Pileser III Pul Ascended to throne via assassination
Reign 745 – 727 B.C. Pul Ascended to throne via assassination Rewrote records, claiming to be royal line Aggressive military policy Began policy of deportations

25 Tiglath-Pileser III Reign 745 – 727 B.C. Took Galilee and Gilead into captivity (2 Kings 15:29) Bribed by Ahaz of Judah to attack Aram (2 Kings 16:7-10) Paid from temple treasures

26 Shalmaneser V Accepted tribute from Hoshea of Israel
727 – 722 B.C. Accepted tribute from Hoshea of Israel Hoshea entered into an alliance with Egypt Besieged Samaria for three years before he died

27 Sargon II Brother of Shalmaneser V Completed siege of Samaria
Reigned 722 – 705 B.C. Brother of Shalmaneser V Completed siege of Samaria Carried Israel off into captivity

28 Sennacherib Brother of Sargon II Invaded Judah in days of Hezekiah
Reigned 705 – 681 B.C. Brother of Sargon II “Sin has replaced the brothers” Invaded Judah in days of Hezekiah Siege of Lachish Jerusalem

29 Sennacherib

30 Sennacherib

31 Sennacherib

32 Sennacherib

33 Sennacherib

34 Sennacherib

35 Sennacherib Reigned 705 – 681 B.C. Taylor Prism

36 Sennacherib Taylor Prism Repeated rebellions in Babylon
Reigned 705 – 681 B.C. Taylor Prism Repeated rebellions in Babylon Son made ruler Taken by Elam He destroyed Babylon Assassinated (2nd Kings 19:37)

37 Esarhaddon Youngest son of Sennacherib Rebuilt Babylon
Reign 681 – 669 B.C. Youngest son of Sennacherib Rebuilt Babylon Imprisoned Manasseh, King of Judah Invaded Lower Egypt

38 Nineveh

39 Assurbanipal His older brother died before becoming king
668 – 627 B.C. His older brother died before becoming king Trained to be a Scholar Collected library of more than 6000 cuneiform texts

40 Assurbanipal His army fought Nubians in Egypt
668 – 627 B.C. His army fought Nubians in Egypt Captured Thebes Egypt allowed to be independent Rebellions put down in Babylon & Elam



43 Nabopolasser Cyaxeres Nebuchadnezzar Amyhia Astyages Medes Assyria .
Babylon Chaldeans Medes Nabopolasser Cyaxeres Nebuchadnezzar Amyhia Astyages

44 Scythians Carchemish Medes Assyria Megiddo Babylon EGYPT

45 Maps provided by David P. Barrett Used by Permission

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