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Presentation on theme: "Theme IDEAS ABOUT THE WORLD…."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Theme Meaning – The general idea about life that is revealed in the text. The lesson to be learned A theme of a story about suffering might be: hard work pays off. A theme of a love story might be: love can conquer any obstacle.

3 2. Universal Themes Meaning – Themes that can be found in stories in any culture, place or period. Example Be kind to others if you want them to be kind to you.

4 3. Literary themes Meaning – A statement that a piece of writing makes about a subject.

5 4. Subject Meaning – The subject is the topic of the text; what the text is about Usually the subject can be stated in a single word such as: love, war or innocence.

6 5. Generalization Meaning – A generalization is a statement that applies to many people or situations. They do not have to be true all of the time, but they are normally true. Ex. Studying hard generally leads to good grades. Themes are expressed as generalizations.

7 6. Genres Meaning – Genres are different forms of texts.
Examples of Literary Genres: Drama - plays Fiction - Novels Poetry - Sonnets Non-fiction – Newspaper articles

8 7. Analogy Meaning – An analogy compares the relationship between two pairs of words. Examples Big : Small :: Happy : Sad Puppy : Dog :: Kitten : Cat Ice : Cold :: Fire : Hot Opposites Age Defining Qualities

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