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Serious Games Gameplay.

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Presentation on theme: "Serious Games Gameplay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serious Games Gameplay

2 Entertaining Simplified models Easier to focus
Why do we play games? Entertaining Simplified models Easier to focus Keep focus as long as possible

3 Goals Gameplay Storytelling Aesthetics Novelty Learning Immersion
one of many ELEMENTS Goals Gameplay Storytelling Aesthetics Novelty Learning Immersion Socializing

4 At its heart, a game is what you DO

5 Flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi)
Pronunciation: cheek-sent-mə-hy-ee

6 Aspects of Gameplay Challenges Risk/rewards Creative expressive play
Actions Fairness Symmetry Competition/cooperation

7 Gameplay is built around

8 Challenges (Adams and Rollings)
Physical coordination Formal logic Pattern recognition Time pressure Memory and knowledge Exploration Conflict Economic Creation Conceptual reasoning

9 Game Mechanics LONELINESS

10 Schell’s taxonomy Space Objects Actions Rules
Goal (includes as a rule) Skill Chance

11 Space: magic circle Continuous vs. discrete Number of dimensions
Boundaries Sub-spaces Multiple models

12 Space: some examples Tic-Tac-Toe Monopoly Billiards Lacrosse
Rock, Paper, Scissors

13 Objects: the nouns Characters Weapons Power-ups Objects Tokens
HUDs, dashboards

14 Objects: what about them?
Attributes (the adjectives) States of attributes Static or dynamic State diagrams: transitions and triggers Communicating states What should the player know? How much state can a person track? Secrets: who knows what

15 STATES: whO KNOWS? 3 classes: Secrets: who knows what Design Issues
Private Public Unknown Secrets: who knows what Design Issues What should the player know? How much state can a person track?

16 STATES: Examples Chess Poker Blackjack Concentration
Draw Stud Blackjack Concentration Rock, Paper, Scissors

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