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Prioritizing Investments in Adolescent Sexual Health

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1 Prioritizing Investments in Adolescent Sexual Health
Increasing Access to Next Generation Injectables Working Meeting Dakar, Senegal - 1 February 2017

2 CIFF’s Philanthropic Approach
Established in 2004, we are an independent philanthropic organisation, headquartered in London with offices in Nairobi and New Delhi.  We aim to play a catalytic role as a funder and influencer to deliver urgent and lasting change at scale.  Our areas of work include improving children and adolescents’ health,  nutrition, education, deworming and welfare and climate change.  We place significant emphasis on quality data and evidence. Our values and approach: CHAMPIONS FOR CHILDREN * AMBITIOUS FOR SYSTEMIC CHANGE * * FLEXIBLE AND INNOVATIVE W/ HIGH APPETITE FOR RISK * ENTREPRENEURIAL & PERFORMANCE LED * SUSTAINABILITY AND LOCAL OWNERSHIP * EVIDENCE BASED & GENERATING

3 CIFF’s Strategic Focus on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: 2017-2021
Strategic Vision Our vision is that every teenager has access & agency to avoid unwanted teen pregnancies & for an AIDS-free generation Adolescent Focused We will prioritise empowering adolescent girls and boys to control their sexual and reproductive health User-Controlled This will be done through a combination of user-controlled commodities and services that are designed by and accountable to adolescents, and challenging the social and political norms regarding teen sexuality *Contraceptive self-injection using SubQ DMPA is a cornerstone of this strategic vision, bringing with it the potential to transform the family planning landscape.

4 CIFF Investments in SubQ DMPA (1)
Since 2014, we have been working to strengthen market and country readiness to make contraceptive self-injection a reality Market shaping, pilot introduction and scale-up to increase supply and generate demand for adoption of self injection MARKET READINESS 1 COUNTRY READINESS Evidence generation/ dissemination on the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of self-injection to create regulatory and policy context supportive of self-injection 2 Implementing/ Donor/ M&E Partners: PATH - FHI360 - DKT - Concept Foundation - UNFPA – MSI - UCSF – GIA – Crown Agents – Pfizer – BMGF- DFID - USAID Countries/ Government: Uganda – Senegal – Nigeria – Madagascar – Burkina Faso – Malawi - Myanmar PARTNERS $17 million invested to date

5 CIFF Investments in SubQ DMPA (2)
Going forward, we will focus on where we can add value to create a sustainable market and amplify impact to make self-injection a reality 2017 and beyond COUNTRY & MARKET READINESS CREATING A SUSTAINABLE MARKET & AMPLIFYING IMPACT MARKET DEVELOPMENT & COORDINATION PRIVATE SECTOR/ SOCIAL MARKETING SELF-INJECTION SUPPORT STRATEGIC M&E/ DATA USE 1 2 4 3

6 Thank you! “The true character of society is revealed in how it treats its children” (Nelson Mandela)

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