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Early Explorer Review.

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1 Early Explorer Review

2 Rules Each multiple choice question is worth 1 point
Each fill in the blank is worth 2 points Yelling out wrong answers will lose your team points Cheating will lose your team points

3 Question 1 Which of these was a major motivation for European exploration? A. profit B. leisure C. freedom D. education

4 Question 2 How did Marco Polo encourage European exploration?
A. He became wealthy after conquering the Incas. B. He wrote a book about his travels in Asia. C. He told stories about his trip around the tip of Africa. D. He brought treasures back from his journey to the Americas.

5 Question 3 What was an effect of Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the Americas? A. a reduction in the European population B. a delay in future Spanish explorations C. a war between the Spanish and the French D. a transfer of foods between Europe and the Americas

6 Question 4 How did the Columbian Exchange affect many American Indian groups? A. They grew in number. B. They died from diseases. C. They became prosperous. D. They were forced to move.

7 Question 5 Believed he discovered a new world, eventually a German mapmaker named the new world after him. Amerigo Vespucci

8 Question 6 Which of these was a goal of the Spanish conquistadors who came to the Americas? A. to trade with the native peoples B. to conquer a large empire for Spain C. to establish agricultural communities D. to learn about the culture of the Aztec people

9 Question 7 What was the main goal of the Spanish missionaries?
A. to protect the American Indians B. to trade with the American Indians C. to teach their religion to the American Indians D. to learn about the customs of the American Indians

10 Question 8 Which of these was a goal of the first European explorers?
A. to establish trading posts B. to find a water route to Asia C. to exchange ideas with native peoples D. to explore North and South America

11 Question 9 Which of these settled in the Spanish borderlands?
A. farmers and ranchers B. soldiers and missionaries C. pirates and runaway slaves D. miners and treasure seekers

12 Question 10 Viking sailor who landed in the Labrador peninsula around the year 1000 Lief Erikson

13 Question 11 Which of these describes the relationship between the French and the American Indians? A. They were enemies. B. They were business partners. C. The French converted the American Indians. D. The American Indians were slaves to the French.

14 Question 12 A conquistador is a……
A. A French soldier/ explorer looking to conquer new land for France. B. A Spanish soldier/explorer looking to conquer new land for Spain. C. A British soldier/ explorer looking to conquer new land for England D. A Dutch soldier/ explorer looking to conquer new land for the Netherlands.

15 Question 13 Sailed from Portugal around the Cape of Good Hope and reached India. Vasco De Gama

16 Question 14 Peter Minuit was a(n) ___________ explorer responsible for buying Manhattan island for $24. A. French B. Spanish C. British D. Dutch

17 Question 15 In the New World the French were mostly doing which of the following? A. Fishing and fur trapping B. Setting up permanent colonies C. Buying gold and silver D. Fighting the British for control of Jamestown

18 Question 16 What is the name of the oldest European settlement in the United States? A. Jamestown B. St. Augustine C. Quebec D. New Amsterdam

19 Question 17 This man conquered the Inca in 1532 Francisco Pizzaro

20 Question 18 Never actually sailed, but funded many missions and invented tools to help make exploration easier and more successful. Henry the Navigator

21 Question 19 Was in search of the Fountain of Youth. Was governor of Puerto Rico, and eventually died of an arrow wound he received in a battle in Florida. Juan Ponce de Leon

22 Question 20 Believed he sailed to Asia but in actuality landed in the Bahamas. An Italian born sailor who sailed under the Spanish flag. Christopher Columbus

23 Question 21 This man and his crew circumnavigated the globe.
Ferdinand Magellan

24 Question 22 This man conquered the Aztec in 1521 Hernan Cortes

25 Question 23 He attempted to sail from Portugal to Asia but had to turn back due to lack of supplies. Bartolomeu Dias

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