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Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes

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1 Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes
Sara Radmard, MD, PGY-2

2 Parkinsonism definition
Hypokinetic syndrome Bradykinesia, akinesia Rigidity Postural instability Tremor (typically resting tremor)

3 Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes
Lewy Body Dementia Multiple System Atrophy Progressive supranuclear palsy Cortical basal degeneration

4 Other diseases that can have Parkinsonian features
Spinocerebellar ataxias (2,3,17) Huntington disease Wilson disease Neuronal brain iron accumulation disorders Mitochondrial disorders X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism

5 Atypical Parkinsonian Syndrome Features
Multisystem degeneration Early falls/postural instability Early dementia Marked dysautonomia Decreased responsiveness to dopamine Ocular findings or bulbar signs Ataxia Myoclonus Alien limb phenomenon

6 Prognosis Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes
More rapid decline Time of death from diagnosis typically <7 years (depending on syndrome)

7 Tauopathies Synucleinopathies

8 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Average age onset in 60s Mean survival from diagnosis 5-8 years Features: Early falls/gait instability, axial rigidity, supranuclear gaze palsy, progressive dementia Other typical features: Dysphagia, voice changes (dysarthria, dysphonia) Marked midbrain atrophy

9 Subcortical Dementia PSP generally presents with subcortical dementia
Bradyphrenia Decreased processing speed Verbal fluency problems (like primary progressive aphasia) Executive dysfunction

10 Corticobasal Degeneration
Cortico=cortex, basal=basal ganglia Key features: Asymmetric rigidity (arm), dystonia, ideomotor apraxia, frontal/striatal/parietal dementia, alien limb phenomenon, myoclonus Other typical features: gait difficulty, action or rest tremor, bulbar impairment, hyperreflexia, extensor plantar response Ideomotor apraxia: inability to perform a skilled motor task despite having intact language, motor and sensory function -Cannot mime certain tasks (brushing teeth, using screwdriver, cutting with scissors Alien limb: abnormal grasping, posturing, or spontaneous leveitation of arm or leg. Can go against contralateral limb

11 CBD dementia: Fronto-striatal-parietal
Frontal: decreased concentration, attention, verbal fluency, executive dysfunction Parietal: visuospatial dysfunction, apraxia

12 Multiple System Atrophy
Median age of onset late 50s Mean survival from time of diagnosis 6-9 years Triad: Parkinsonism, marked dysautonomia, and cerebellar/ pyramidal signs -Two main types: Parkinsonian versus cerebellar ataxia Symptoms more symmetric Resting tremor not typical

13 Lewy Body Dementia Most common cause of dementia after AD
Dementia must precede Parkinsonism by 1 year Visual hallucination Fluctuating consciousness throughout the day Increased propensity for REM behavioral sleep disorder Diffuse Lewy Bodies that starts in brainstem then goes throughout cortex

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