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Korean War 11/18/2018.

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1 Korean War 11/18/2018

2 I. Korea Last stages of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union sent troops to occupy portions of Korea Neither Country wanted to leave the Korean peninsula The country was divide at the 38th Parallel – Soviets in the North and the United States in the South 11/18/2018

3 President Truman views this attack as a conspiracy to spread communism
The Soviets left the country in A strong communist government with a strong army remained. The United States left a weak non communist government and army in the south. On June 25th 1950 North Korean troops attacked across the 38th Parallel President Truman views this attack as a conspiracy to spread communism June 27th 1950 President Truman commits air and naval forces 11/18/2018

4 On June 30th , 1950 President Truman commits ground troops
The United Nations demands that North Korea remove its troops from the South but they refuse Congress is not happy with President Truman for sending forces without prior knowledge On June 30th , 1950 President Truman commits ground troops There is no declaration of war. This military intervention will become known as a “Police Action”. 11/18/2018

5 II. The Ground War On July 7th , 1950 the united Nations approves General Douglas Macarthur to lead the United Nation’s forces in Korea On September 15,1950, Macarthur goes on the offensive with a surprise attack at Inchon President Truman expands his goals; Wants a unified non communist Korea Truman shortly thereafter gives permission for Macarthur to attack across the 38th Parallel 11/18/2018

6 The United Nation forces are pushed back behind the 38th Parallel
China warns the Untied States of having there troops near China’s borders In late November 1950 , 400,000 Chinese troops attack across the border. The United Nation forces are pushed back behind the 38th Parallel Truman and the joint Chiefs of Staff want to fight a limited war, Macarthur publicly disagrees and is fired 11/18/2018

7 III. Effects of the Korean War
Once the United Nations were pushed south of the 38th Parallel there was a condition of stalemate( No one side could advance and hold) Truce is signed in July 1953 after president Dwight D. Eisenhower takes control of the Oval Office. Increased paranoia of the “Red Scare” McCarthyism is born. The process of Containment is Born!! 11/18/2018

8 Pictures From Korea 11/18/2018

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