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Presentation on theme: "Elasticity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elasticity

2 Elasticity The degree in which a demand or supply curve react to a change in price Varies as the importance of a product changes for the consumer Products that are necessary react less: inelastic Unnecessary or luxury goods react more People will weigh the opportunity cost more based on product price

3 Elasticity Equation The way to calculate the elasticity of a product
% change in quantity % change in price If elasticity is greater than or equal to one: considered elastic If elasticity is less than one: considered inelastic

4 Elasticity in Demand

5 Elastic products The flatter the demand curve: the good or service is elastic Steeper change in demand based on a price change

6 Inelastic Products Highly sloped demand curve: the good or service in more inelastic Less significant of a change in demand based on a price change

7 Factors of Demand Elasticity
1) Availability of substitutes The more substitute goods, the more elastic demand will be Ex: coffee prices went up by $2. Will replace coffee with other drinks, causing a large decrease in demand Graph this scenario Is the caffeine industry elastic or inelastic?

8 Factors of Demand Elasticity
2) Income The total amount a person can spend on a good or service If price increases while income stays the same, demand will decrease Ex: a pack of gum used to cost $.50, but now cost $1. You no longer can buy as much gum with the $2 you have – you’re forced to reduce your demand A change in price and no change in income, the demand is more elastic Sensitive to the change in price dependent on income

9 Factors in Demand Elasticity
Time Non-durable goods tend to be more elastic over the long-run than the short-run Short-term: its difficult to find a substitute Long-run: people can change their behavior Ex: Gasoline, Cigarettes Durable goods tend to be less elastic Necessity to replace those goods with time Ex: Cars, Kitchen appliances

10 Factors of Demand Elasticity
Brand loyalty Attachment to a brand can override sensitivity to price changes Insensitivity results in more inelastic demand Apple Hyundai Ford Domino’s Google

11 Elasticity in Supply

12 Elastic Products Price changes that result in a large change in the amount supplied of a good is elastic

13 Inelastic Products Goods that are less sensitive to price changes are considered inelastic

14 Factors in Supply Elasticity
Availability of raw materials Resources availability are not effected by changes in price Rare goods are considered inelastic, as they are rare no matter the price EX: rare earth metals are hard to extract. Even if price for them went up on the market, the supply would not drastically increase

15 Factors of Supply Elasticity
Production If production is simple, the good tends to be elastic Productions that are multi-stepped, need skilled labor, or specialized equipment are usually inelastic EX: Bugatti Veyron Mobility of production If a producer can quickly change their production to a new good that is more in demand, the supply is more elastic

16 Factors of Supply Elasticity
Time The more time a producers has to respond to a change in price, the more elastic the supply Short-run: supply of goods are more inelastic Long-run: supply of goods are more elastic Production can change to meet the demand and market price EX: cotton

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