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Good afternoon! Please get out your Major Themes sheet, your notes, and your First Four work. Be prepared to respond to the questions on the next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Good afternoon! Please get out your Major Themes sheet, your notes, and your First Four work. Be prepared to respond to the questions on the next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good afternoon! Please get out your Major Themes sheet, your notes, and your First Four work. Be prepared to respond to the questions on the next slide. To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds.

2 End Four Minutes First Four
2/7/18 – “Reading Reflection” Write down at least one thing that you learned in your homework reading about why the 1870s & 1880s were a period of such rapid industrialization. Write down one question or something you wondered about in the homework reading. Four Minutes To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End

3 End Four Minutes First Four Chart Date & label your work
2/5/18 Identify a new technology & explain how it has changed American life. What downside could there be from this new technology? In other words, have we lost something in gaining the technology? Keep this with all of your other First Four work. Four Minutes To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End

4 Questions for Discussion
4 Minutes – silent work Read your question Think of the impacts, not just on individuals, but on society as a whole. Write your individual response. Four Minutes – Group Discussion Discuss your thoughts & see if you can agree on a conclusion or a response. Write your group’s conclusion Be prepared to share with the class.

5 Group Discussion Questions
Can some people be too rich? Can a business be too big? What role should the government play in regulating the economy, if any? Should the US limit immigration? What are the benefits of technological progress? What might be some of the costs? Should the US government regulate moral behavior – alcohol, obscenity, movies, sexual conduct, gambling, etc.

6 Group Discussion Questions
Why are these questions so hard to answer? What core values of “America” do they challenge? Freedom? Equality? Order?

7 The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era
Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value? GQ#1 – Why were the 1870s & 1880s decades of rapid industrialization?

8 What do you see? What is the message?

9 Documents Read the poem, “The New Colossus.”
What is this about? What values does it represent? Read the Chinese Exclusion Act How does it compare to the poem?

10 Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization?
Civil War Land Transportation Population Role of Govt Technology Business Innovations What vocabulary, examples & descriptions could you use with each? Groups investigate & report to class.

11 Good afternoon! Please get out your Major Themes sheet, your Causes of Industrialization chart, and your Paper 2 Practice worksheet from last class.

12 Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization?
Civil War Land Transportation Population Role of Govt Technology Business Innovations What vocabulary, examples & descriptions could you use with each? Groups investigate & report to class.

13 Industrialization: Some Stats
US Total Wealth: 1860 $16 Billion 1900 $88 Billion Manufacturing: $3 billion $13 billion Railroads 1865 – 35,000 miles 1900 – 193,000 miles Patents 440,000 b/n 1860 & 1890 Labor Force 1870 – 13 million 1900 – 20 million

14 So what? GQ#1 – Why were the 1870s & 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? Sample Paper 2 Questions Part A: Why did the US maintain a high tariff policy in the 1870s and 1880s? Part B: To what extent was expansion of the railroads the main cause of rapid industrialization of the USA in the late 19th Century?

15 The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era
Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value? GQ #2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century?

16 Good morning! Please get out any notes you have and be prepared for a brief notes quiz. Please remember your academic integrity.

17 The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era
Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value? GQ #2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century?

18 Let’s Make Airplanes Round 1 - You have 5 minutes to build a paper airplane. Make the best airplane you can with your resources. Copy paper, colored pencils/markers

19 Airplane Factory Round 2 - You are a worker in a paper airplane factory. Your team’s task is to build as many airplanes as you can in 5 minutes. 2 minutes to plan 5 Minutes to make airplanes Winning team gets prizes

20 Airplane Factory Round 3 - You are a worker in a paper airplane factory. Your team’s task is to build as many airplanes as you can in 5 minutes. #1 Boss – Paper Handler #2 Fold paper along midline #3 Fold top right & left corner to midline #4 Fold right side & left side to midline #5 Fold in half and fold down left wing & left wing #6 Write your team’s name on the right wing. Winning team gets prizes!

21 5 Minute Free Write What were the differences between your paper airplane making experiences in round 1 and round 2 and round 3? How do you account for the differences? How can you connect this activity to our unit question? GQ#2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century?

22 The Impact of Industrialization - Wells
Read the excerpt quietly. - Write down answers to the questions at the top. Re-read the excerpt. - Write a one sentence summary of each paragraph. What is the main idea? Work with your group to Tweet the excerpt. Write a Tweet of 140 characters or less for each paragraph. Then write one Tweet to summarize the entire piece.

23 GQ #2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century? What is the invention? Make a list of the significant changes this brought – economically and/or socially Is there a “price” for this? What if anything is “lost”?

24 Business vs. Labor

25 Business vs. Labor Businesses making big $$$ Technology & inventions
Unfair practices Effects Economic boom for some Many people exploited

26 Working Conditions Low Pay Long hours Unsafe conditions
1899: men $498/yr, women $267 Carnegie: $23 Million - Disparity of Wealth Long hours 12-14 hrs – 6-7 days a week Unsafe conditions 1882: 675 killed per week

27 Working Conditions Child Labor No benefits Sweatshops - unsafe
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. 1911 146 killed

28 Labor Unions Goals Tactics AFL – Samuel Gompers
Industrial Workers of the World “Big Bill” Haywood Advocated Socialism Contrast with “bread & butter unionism”

29 Reaction to Unions Business Government Violent Strikes
Haymarket Square – 1877 Public opinion? Sherman Antitrust Act used against them Homestead Strike 1892 Pullman Strike 1894

30 Effects of Unions Pro-business environment hurt them
Still around today Many reforms brought by unions

31 Quiz 1.What was the average pay for women in 1899 ?
2. How many people were killed per week in factories in 1882? 3. Why did 146 people die at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company? 4. Who was Samuel Gompers? 5. Public opinion turned against unions after what incident in 1877?

32 Character Studies John D. Rockefeller JP Morgan Ida Tarbell
Andrew Carnegie Cornelius Vanderbilt Thomas Edison Alexander Graham Bell Gustavas Swift & Phillip Armour Robert LaFollette Henry Frick Jane Addams James Duke Henry Ford

33 Paper 1 Part B Rubric & Examiner’s Report Evaluate your work
What did you do well? What could you improve? Exemplar Paper

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