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WSHS Physical Education

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1 WSHS Physical Education
Broomball WSHS Physical Education

2 History Recent research indicates that a sport similar to broomball, known as knattleikr, was played in Iceland in the 10th century. The sport was almost considered warfare, with the occasional death not uncommon, and games could involve whole villages and lasted up to 14 days Broomball as we know it was first played in Canada in the early 1900's by street car workers using a small soccer ball and corn brooms. The sport evolved and was brought down to the United States. The first games were reportedly played in Minnesota, the birthplace of USA Broomball, beginning in the 1930's.

3 Broomball Video

4 Rules 7 vs 7 CoEd teams Subbing
3 defense pleayers, 3 offense players, 1 goalie When BOYS are on defense, GIRLS are on offense… When GIRLS are on defense, BOYS are on offense Goalie can be either a boy or girl Subbing After 3 minutes, offense and defense switch roles.. and STAY ON THE COURT Goalies switch ends Subs will be called in 3 minutes after teams have switched

5 Offensive Players

6 Defensive Players

7 Good Sportsmanship

8 No Checking

9 No Kicking the Ball Forward

10 Incorrect Grip

11 Correct Grip

12 NO Sticks above Waist

13 Proper Stick Height

14 Goalie Must Roll the Ball IN

15 NO ONE is allowed in the Goalie Crease

16 CANNOT cross the Center Line

17 Substitution

18 NO High Sticking

19 NO Throwing the Sticks

20 Rules Cont’d Out of Bounds Players CANNOT cross the center line
Ball must stay on specific court Players CANNOT cross the center line Players CANNOT go into the goalie’s crease Sticks CANNOT go above waist Players CANNOT kick the ball forward Goalies MUST roll the ball back into a play after a save Good Sportsmanship

21 Ryann, Nicole, Meghan, Kiefer
PICTURES Thank YOU! Ryann, Nicole, Meghan, Kiefer Alex, Ryan, Charlie

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