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Volunteer/support website user Manual. Agenda z z Why should you consider joining our community? Tax Benefit Calculation and Donation Process Getting.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer/support website user Manual. Agenda z z Why should you consider joining our community? Tax Benefit Calculation and Donation Process Getting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer/support website user Manual

2 Agenda z z Why should you consider joining our community? Tax Benefit Calculation and Donation Process Getting Registered for New User Logging in and updating the profile About The Website User Manual Activate the Account Requesting and Offering a Resource 77 66 55 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

3 Why should you consider joining our community? Being a part of our community has distinct advantages As a volunteer / supporter, You can donate monetary and non-monetary resources in a hassle- free online atmosphere You can get associated with the cause / NGO of your choice, while donating You get to know the resources the organizations are looking for, directly You can check the credibility of the NGO yourself, before you make your donation You will also get huge tax benefits Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

4 Welcome to the Website User Manual of This manual gives you a few tips, which may help you navigate the site with ease This presentation is meant for volunteers as well as organizations The User Manual acquaints you with the functionalities different components on the website The screen-shots that you see here may be different from what you actually see on your machine, depending on what youve clicked on. This is particularly true in case of screen-shots having multiple indicators About The Website User Manual Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

5 How to join our community? In the Sign up now section, fill in your name e-mail ID mobile number country Indicate whether youre a donor or a recipient by clicking on the suitable radio button Hit Enter Site If youre already a registered user, hit the Registered user login button Joy Of Giving Global Foundation Welcome screen of the website gives you an option to join our

6 Intimation of the status of registration This screen intimates you of the status of your registration Please go through the contents carefully Once youve completely understood the contents on the screen, hit Continue Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

7 How to activate your account? This is how the confirmation mail looks, in your inbox. It intimates you of the user name allocated to you (Which is usually your Email ID itself) by the Joyofgiving Global Foundation Click on the link indicated, to activate your account. The link automatically generates a password specifically for that user name Note down the automatically generated password. You require this data when you log into your account for the first time Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

8 Login Dialogue Box In the login dialogue box, Enter your Email ID and enter the auto-generated password for your account Retype the password to confirm it Please note: Passwords are case- sensitive Specify whether you are a volunteer / supporter or a company / non-profit organization, by selecting the option from the drop-down menu Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

9 Registered User Login The homepage has Login tabs at locations as indicated here. If you are a registered user, you can directly click on Ngo Login or Volunteer / Supporter, placed inside the bottom ring Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

10 Registered user login This is the Login dialogue box of Key in your User name and Password and hit Sign In to gain an access into your account If youve forgotten your password, you can start the process of recovering it, by hitting Forgot Password? Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

11 Editing Details about you My Account button is meant to take you to User Details Page Clicking on it presents you a screen similar to what you see in the next slide Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

12 User Detail page User detail page displays details about you, as you have provided, while registering yourself with Clicking on DashBoard displays contact information pertaining to you Clicking on Profile lets you edit your profile

13 Updating user details Click on Contact to update your contact information Click on Working Preferences to set your preferences w.r.t your volunteering activities Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

14 Requesting Clicking on My Requests button enables you set some more preferences w.r.t your volunteering activities The Home Page of has a Resource Categories tab. Clicking on it brings up Resources Offered page Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

15 Offering a resource If you have a resource to offer, click on Resource Categories on the Home Page A Drop-down menu displays different categories of resources Select the category of resource that you wish to offer Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

16 Offering a resource Two options appear on the screen. Click on I want to offer Resource User Detail page with a Resource Offer tab pops up Fill in the necessary details and click on Submit to register the resource Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

17 Tax Benefit Calculator Click on Giving Calculator on the homepage A dialogue box comes up. Provide necessary information and click on Calculator Another dialogue box comes up. Fill all the details and click on Calculate My Tax Saving Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

18 The Donation Process This screen appears, informing you of the tax benefits you gain by donating an amount specified by you You can click on E-mail / Save on my desktop / print this page buttons to do those specific jobs Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

19 PayPal 2checkout(for credit/debit card) Net Banking Donating Online via Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

20 You need to log out! Once youve completed all your activities on, Please dont forget to log out! Log out button is on the top right hand corner of your screen Joy Of Giving Global Foundation

21 Contact Details Lets set a new relationship in motion. Please do feel free to contact us to realize your charitable ideas. Joyofgiving Global Foundation, No.38, 1 st main, KPA Block, Chandra Layout, Vijaynagar, Bangalore – 560040 Helpline Number : +918884884884 Land Line : +9180-23184940 E-mail : Website: Reach out to us to help us reach out to the genuinely needy…. Joy Of Giving Global Foundation


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