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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Fire of London Edition

2 Question 1

3 When was the Great Fire of London?
B 1566 C 1666 D 1766

4 When was the Great Fire of London?
B 1566 C 1666 D 1766

5 £100

6 Question 2

7 Where did the fire start?
A In a bookshop B In a clothes shop C In a sweet shop D In a bakers shop

8 Where did the fire start?
A In a bookshop B In a clothes shop C In a sweet shop D In a bakers shop

9 £200

10 Question 3

11 How did the fire start? A By burning wood B With a cigarette
C By playing with fire D Left the cooker on

12 How did the fire start? A By burning wood B With a cigarette
C By playing with fire D Left the cooker on

13 £500

14 Question 4

15 How long did the fire burn for?
A 3 days B 5 days C 7 days D 9 days

16 How long did the fire burn for?
A 3 days B 5 days C 7 days D 9 days

17 £1000

18 Question 5

19 Why did the fire spread? A Houses were small
B Houses were made of bricks C Houses were made of wood D Houses were made of stone

20 Why did the fire spread? A Houses were small
B Houses were made of bricks C Houses were made of wood D Houses were made of stone

21 £2,000

22 Question 6

23 Why did the fire stop? A The wind died down.
B All the houses were burnt. C The water put out the fire. D The rain put out the fire.

24 Why did the fire stop? A The wind died down.
B All the houses were burnt. C The water put out the fire. D The rain put out the fire.

25 £4,000

26 Question 7

27 When the fire started people escaped to the…
A Forests B Farms C Churches D Shops

28 When the fire started people escaped to the…
A Forests B Farms C Churches D Shops

29 £8,000

30 Question 8

31 People escaped to the churches because…
A it was very hot. B it was raining. C churches were made of stone. D churches were made of wood.

32 People escaped to the churches because…
A it was very hot. B it was raining. C churches were made of stone. D churches were made of wood.

33 £16,000

34 Question 9

35 How many people died in the fire?
B 16 C 60 D 66

36 How many people died in the fire?
B 16 C 60 D 66

37 £32,000

38 Question 10

39 After the fire what did people decide to rebuild their houses with?
A Wood B Bricks and stone C Straw D Glass

40 After the fire what did people decide to rebuild their houses with?
A Wood B Bricks and stone C Straw D Glass

41 £64,000

42 Question 11

43 How do we know about the fire?
A People saw it in a movie. B People saw it in their dreams. C People saw it in a cartoon. D People saw it & wrote about it.

44 How do we know about the fire?
A People saw it in a movie. B People saw it in their dreams. C People saw it in a cartoon. D People saw it & wrote about it.

45 £125,000

46 Question 12

47 Who was Samuel Pepys? A Singer B Actor C Eyewitness D Shop keeper

48 Who was Samuel Pepys? A Singer B Actor C Eyewitness D Shop keeper

49 £250,000

50 Question 13

51 What did Samuel Pepys write?
A Diary B Story C Letter D Poem

52 What did Samuel Pepys write?
A Diary B Story C Letter D Poem

53 £1,000,000

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