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Blood Pressure.

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1 Blood Pressure

2 Blood Pressure To reach your hands and feet, blood has to leave your heart (Left Ventricle) under very high pressure.

3 Blood Pressure The aorta has the highest pressure. (100mm Hg)
As the blood gets farther away and the blood vessels get smaller, the pressure decreases. The capillaries have a much lower blood pressure. (35mm Hg) The lowest pressure is in the Vena Cava. (2 mm Hg)

4 Blood Pressure

5 Blood Pressure is a ratio
Highest Pressure = when the ventricles = contract SYSTOLIC Lowest Pressure = when the ventricles = relax DIASTOLIC

6 Blood Pressure

7 Measured with a sphygmomanometer
Blood Pressure Measured with a sphygmomanometer

8 How does the sphygmomanometer work?
It’s an inflatable cuff that cuts off the circulation in your arm When the pressure drops, you can HEAR blood forcing through the artery with a stethoscope (Systolic) When you HEAR NOTHING, it means blood is flowing easily with no resistance in the arteries. (Diastolic)

9 Blood Pressure

10 Normal blood pressure of teenager
Ranges between 120/70 and 115/75

11 What can affect your blood pressure?
Volume of blood Heart Rate Diameter of arteries Loss of elasticity of arteries Viscosity of blood

12 High Blood Pressure = Hypertension
Increases risk of heart failure and cerebral hemorrhage or stroke

13 Smoking & Hypertension
Smoking causes high blood pressure Thickens blood Speeds up the heart Constricts the blood vessels Over time, causes loss of elasticity of arteries

14 Stress & Hypertension Stress causes high blood pressure
Stimulates adrenal gland which speed up the heart rate Constricts blood vessels

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