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Warm-up: Genetic Disorder Matching

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1 Warm-up: Genetic Disorder Matching
February 23,2015 Aim: Biotechnology Part I Warm-up: Genetic Disorder Matching HW: Textbook pgs Q’s 1-4

2 We have been manipulating DNA for generations!
Selective breeding creating new breeds of animals & new crop plants to improve our food

3 Animal breeding

4 Evolution of modern corn (right) from ancestral teosinte (left).
Breeding food plants Evolution of modern corn (right) from ancestral teosinte (left).

5 The code is universal Since all living organisms… use the same DNA
use the same code book read their genes the same way Strong evidence for a single origin in evolutionary theory.

6 human genome 3.2 billion bases

7 Can we mix genes from one creature to another?

8 Mixing genes for medicine…
Allowing organisms to produce new proteins bacteria producing human insulin bacteria producing human growth hormone

9 How do we do mix genes? Genetic engineering find gene
cut DNA in both organisms paste gene from one creature into other creature’s DNA insert new chromosome into organism organism copies new gene as if it were its own organism reads gene as if it were its own organism produces NEW protein: Remember: we all use the same genetic code!

enzymes that cut DNA restriction enzymes used by bacteria to cut up DNA of attacking viruses cut DNA at specific sites enzymes look for specific base sequences GTAACGAATTCACGC CATTGCTTAAGTGCG

11 Restriction enzymes Cut DNA at specific sites GTAACG AATTCACGC
leave “sticky ends” restriction enzyme cut site GTAACG AATTCACGC CATTGCTTAA GTGCG restriction enzyme cut site GTAACG AATTCACGCTT CATTGCTTAA GTGCGAA

Cut other DNA with same enzymes leave “sticky ends” on both can glue DNA together at “sticky ends” GTAACG AATTCACGCTT CATTGCTTAA GTGCGAA gene you want GGACCTG AATTCCGGATA CCTGGACTTAA GGCCTAT chromosome want to add gene to GGACCTG AATTCACGCTT CCTGGACTTAA GTGCGAA combined DNA

13 Why mix genes together? Gene produces protein in different organism or different individual human insulin gene in bacteria TAACGAATTCTACGAATGGTTACATCGCCGAATTCTACGATC CATTGCTTAAGATGCTTACCAATGTAGCGGCTTAAGATGCTAGC aa “new” protein from organism ex: human insulin from bacteria bacteria human insulin


15 Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCR allows scientists to make a copy of a DNA strand. The PCR takes the DNA and actually replicates it on the gel. It gives you multiple copies of the DNA strand.


17 Bacterial DNA Single circular DNA Other DNA = plasmids!
only one copy = haploid no nucleus Other DNA = plasmids! bacteria chromosome plasmids

18 How can plasmids help us?
A way to get genes into bacteria easily insert new gene into plasmid insert plasmid into bacteria = vector bacteria now expresses new gene bacteria make new protein transformed bacteria gene from other organism recombinant plasmid vector plasmid cut DNA + glue DNA

19 Grow bacteria…make more
transformed bacteria gene from other organism + recombinant plasmid vector plasmid grow bacteria harvest (purify) protein

20 Applications of biotechnology
Glow in the dark fish Applications of biotechnology

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