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Status and recent results of the Antares Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope

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Presentation on theme: "Status and recent results of the Antares Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and recent results of the Antares Deep-sea Neutrino Telescope
research goals detector setup selected results summary Heide Costantini CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, France On behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

2 Cosmic Microwave and IR radiation
Research goals Cosmic Microwave and IR radiation Dusts and Clouds protons neutrinos gammas cosmic sources of neutrinos micro quasars: X-ray binaries supernova remnants and shock acceleration Active Galactic Nuclei: super-massive black hole in center of galaxies; Gamma Ray Bursters intriguing science questions: origin of cosmic rays astrophysical acceleration mechanism origin of relativistic jets p/A + p/g  p p nm m g g nm ne e m nt ve Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

3 Detection principle Reconstruction of m trajectory (~ n) from timing and position of PMT hits Array of PMTs Cherenkov photons (42° in water) neutrino µ N X W muon neutrino - Main detection channel:  CC-interaction giving an relativistic  Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

4 Mediterranean Sea  Telescope Sky Coverage
>75% visibility >25% visibility Observed sky, in galactic coordinates, by a detector efficient to tracks from below the horizon (up-going tracks). Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

5 The ANTARES detector Buoy Storey 14.5 m 350 m 40 km to shore Junction
12 lines of 75 PMTs 25 storeys / line 3 PMTs / storey ~900 PMTs Storey 14.5 m 350 m 40 km to shore Junction Box ~60 m Submarine links Completed in May 2008 Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 2th May 2010 5

6 Optical Modules Counting Rates
2 min 40K decays and bioluminescence of micro-organisms (rate ~70 kHz) Plus bursts from macro-organisms (strongly correlated to sea currents) Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010 6

7 Position calibration resolution better than 10 cm
Transceivers on the bottom of each line 5 hydrophones at specific heights on each line 4 autonomous transponders around the apparatus Sound velocimeters installed at various depths Tiltmeter and compass at each storey Measurements performed every 2 minutes Position of hydrophone relative to line base location 20 days resolution better than 10 cm Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

8 Angular resolution  0.3o (for E > 10 TeV )
Time calibration Time difference between the LED OB and an OM 3 OMs  = 0.4 ns Electronics + calibration   ~ 0.5 ns - TTS in photomultipliers   ~ 1.3 ns - Light scattering + dispersion in sea water   ~ 1.5 ns at 40 m Optical LED beacon Angular resolution  0.3o (for E > 10 TeV ) Including the acoustic position resolution and the -µ angle Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

9 atmospheric n atmospheric m cosmic n Atmosphere Sea Earth
Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

10 An upgoing muon: a neutrino candidate
reconstruction of muon trajectory from time, charge and position of PMT hits assuming relativistic muon emitting Cherenkov light Example of a reconstructed up-going muon (i.e. a neutrino candidate) detected in 6/12 detector lines: height time Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010 10

11 Atmospheric neutrinos
107 atmospheric m per year Atmosphere Earth Sea 103 atmospheric n per year down-going up-going 1062  cand. cosmic n 1062 neutrino candidates: 3.1  candidates/day 341 days detector live time, single- and multi-line fit: 5-line data (May-Dec. 2007)+ 9-12 line data (2008) good agreement with Monte Carlo: atmospheric neutrinos: 916 (30% syst. error) atmospheric muons: (50% syst. error) Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

12 Some selected results

13 Point-like source search
Well reconstructed Badly reconstructed Data from 5-lines detector (2007) included. Loose selection for optimal sensitivity Error estimate < 1 degree Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

14 Point-like source search
all-sky + candidate lists search Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

15 Point-like source search
ANTARES: Best limits for the Southern sky ! preliminary result: no significant signal found limits reported for few candidate neutrino sources * interesting gamma/X-ray sources for which models predict neutrinos * galactic center: no events within resolution Rencontres de Moriond 2011 M. Vecchi Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

16 Search for a diffuse cosmic  flux
no atmospheric ’s Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

17 Results on diffuse cosmic  flux
J. Aguilar et al., Phys. Letter B 696, 16-22, 2011 Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

18 -emission from gamma-flarying blazars
3C454.3 γ-ray sources: Variable and energetic blazars 1-day binned light curve (fit files from Fermi website) Flare (HE state) periods: robust and simple method Period studied Performance: number of events produced in one source required for a 5σ discovery (50% C.L.): Name z F300 σ2NXS PKS 1.003 4.43 0.87 AO 0.940 13.19 0.66 PKS 13.56 0.24 OJ287 0.306 2.48 0.16 WComae 0.102 2.58 0.17 3C273 0.158 8.68 0.38 3C279 0.536 15.69 0.62 PKS 0.36 28.67 0.91 3c454.3 0.859 24.58 0.82 PKS 0.116 7.89 0.15 PRELIMINARY AGN Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

19 Preliminary results from flare analysis
Source visibility timePDF (MJD+54000) Live time (day) N(5σ) Nobs Fluence U.L. GeV/cm2 1.0 712-5, 722-4, 745-7, 750-2, 753-7, , 820-2 8.8 4.5 2.8 0.41 710-33, , , , 785-7, 805-8, 810-2 24.5 4.3 18.7 0.55 716-9, 720-5, , , 801-3 4.9 3.8 3C273 0.49 714-6, 716-8, 742-5 2.4 2.5 1.1 3C279 0.53 749-51, , 812-5, , 824-6 13.8 5.0 1 8.2 3C454.3 713-51, 761-5, 767-9, 30.8 4.4 23.5 OJ287 0.39 733-5, 752-4, 760-2, , 774-6, 800-2, 814-6 3.9 3.4 0.63 743-5, 792-6, 811-3 6.0 3.3 2.9 WComae 0.33 726-9, 771-3, 790-2, 795-7, 815-7 3.6 0.68 753-5, 766-8, , 3.1 3.7 1.6 PRELIMINARY Period studied => 1 neutrino compatible with the time/space distribution ( Δα=0.56o) of 3C279 with probability 1.03 % (post trial probability=9.95%) 3C279 PRELIMINARY Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

20 Multimessenger astronomy
Strategy: higher discovery potential by observing different probes higher significance by coincidence detection higher efficiency by relaxed cuts SNEWS SuperNova Early Warning System TaToO optical follow up: 10 s repositioning Ligo/Virgo Gravitational waves: trigger + dedicated analysis chain GCN GRB Coord. Network: γ satellites Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

21 “GRB triggered” data analysis
Cumulative number of alerts Time (date) most of GRB alerts by the Swift satellite GRB alerts also from the Fermi satellite flaring activity of SGR 90% CL Upper limits on  fluxes from 37 GRBs GRB alerts received the ones Antares triggered on More than 1300 alerts from GCN have been recorded (Jan 2011) Lines 1-5 data analysis is ongoing. 148 alerts received (exposure 1882 s): 72 above the horizon 23 rejected by run selection 16 false trigger 37 GRBs in the analysis Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010 21 21

22 TAToO project TAToO: optical follow-up of neutrino alerts in order to search for transient sources (GRB, chocked GRB, ‘flare’ d’AGN…) Reconstruction “on-line” (<10ms) Trigger: multiplet / HE singlet Alert neutrino (GCN) 1.9° x 1.9° ANTARES ν Real time send <10s Large sky coverage (>2π sr) + high duty cycle Sensitivity improved (1 neutrino may lead to a discovery !!!) No hypothesis on the nature of the source Non dependent on the availability of external triggers Advantages: See I. Al Samarai’s talk yesterday! Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

23 … not only neutrino astrophysics…
… also open problems in particle physics … Dark Matter searches: Neutralino annihilation in Sun, Earth, Galactic Center Dwarf galaxies Galactic Halo Magnetic Monopoles Nuclearites Neutralino search:  → +… See J. Zornoza’ s talk yesterday! Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010 23

24 Magnetic Monopoles High photon yield (>8x103 times a muon)
monopole signature is muon-like selection optimized for the discovery potential No signal found: competitive upper limit set. Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010

25 Conclusions ANTARES detector completed in May 2008
Detector operation and calibration under control Maintenance capability demonstrated Exciting physics program ahead First results have been published Data analysis is ongoing Multi-messenger approach strongly pursued Real-time readout and in-situ power capabilities facilitates a large program of synergetic multi-disciplinary activities: biology, oceanography…… A multidisciplinary deep-sea research infrastructure A Major step towards KM3NeT Heide Costantini RICAP 2011, 26th May 2010 25

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