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Name : Hamad Al Hammadi, H Course : Community Service Learning

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1 Name : Hamad Al Hammadi, H00225581 Course : Community Service Learning
Volunteering work Name : Hamad Al Hammadi, H Course : Community Service Learning

2 Volunteering work Food distribution: 5 hrs
Cleaning desert in Cleanco- 5 hrs. Cleaning side walk in Cleanco- 5 hrs.

3 Food distribution: 5 hrs
About Red Crescent. Red Crescent is a volunteer humanitarian organization that supports official authorities in times of peace and war. It started on the 31st of January, 1983 and was internationally attested as a member in the international Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 1986. How I prepared myself I watched the news and I saw that the Red Crescent movement was planning an event. The event was about food distribution to the less fortunate in the Al Ruwais. A thought about joining them came into my mind. I sent an asking them if I could join. They accepted my request.

4 Food distribution cont.
How I did my part. Volunteers, were meeting at Al Ruwais and arrange the order of activities. Food stuffs such as rice, dry cereals, cooking oil, and sugar were packed in trucks. We got into small bus and went straight to our intended destination. It didn’t take us long to get there. We distributed the food and the activity took five hours only.

5 Food distribution cont.

6 Food distribution cont.
Why I chose Red Crescent. I plan to volunteer in the UAE Red Crescent because the Red Crescent provides assistance to poor people, I would like to be part of this body by helping them distribute aid.  The benefits of volunteering is to improve my skills and communication. Red Crescent is the leading humanitarian movement in the world and they are known for being honest and efficient.

7 Cleaning desert in Cleanco- 5 hrs.
About Cleanco Cleanco is the largest cleaning company in United Arab Emirates. Its cleaning services include; residential commercial building, educational institutions such as colleges and universities, and hospitals. They have dedicated staff who makes sure that clients are satisfied. Apart from cleaning services, Cleanco also offers facility management services and housemaid services. Its perfect services have kept it ahead of others, as many clients always prefer Cleanco. How I prepared myself I told them that I want to participate in the services. They accepted my request. I didn’t need to carry a lot of thing, as they were providing me with materials to be used. I only prepared my mind on how I will do that job.

8 Cleaning desert in Cleanco- 5 hrs.

9 Cleaning desert in Cleanco
How I carried my operation On Saturday, as that was the day the scheduled, I went to their office and they showed me what the followed procedures in cleaning the desert. It didn’t take wrong complete that job as it only tool 5 hours.

10 Cleaning desert in Cleanco
Why I chose Cleanco. I chose Cleanco because of it is good reputation they have in the whole country. They have several participations in community services programs.

11 Cleaning side walk in Cleanco- 5 hrs.
How I prepared for myself. I called the called their management and asked them to give me a chance to work for them and I was willing to do it for free. In short, I wanted to volunteer. They told me that they would give me feedback and I should give them my address. I did that and two days later, I received an from the management, saying that I should go that coming Saturday, that is, last Saturday. I had to rearrange my schedule and make Saturday a free day for me. I did all my assignments on Friday evening and on Saturday morning, I was ready to volunteer.

12 Cleaning side walk in Cleanco Cont.
How I carried out the cleaning operations. I went to the head office and very ready to offer my volunteering efforts. I told them to show me where I should work. I was told to choose where would feel comfortable. I decided to clean the side walk. Why I chose Cleanco Cleanco is the best cleaning company and facility management in United Arab Emirates. Being the best company in United Arab Emirates, it means that all the staff and the management have the best skills in relating with the clients and they know the correct volunteering procedure to be followed.

13 Cleaning side walk in Cleanco- 5 hrs.

14 References Dale, K. (2016). The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: Power Players in International and Domestic Natural Disaster Law. Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L., 25, 111. Noori, N. (2016). 4 The political economy of international higher education and academic labor in the Persian Gulf. The Transnational Politics of Higher Education: Contesting the Global/Transforming the Local, 63.

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