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17.11.2018 Introducing ... The EAGLE concept – conceptual basis for a future European Land Monitoring Framework Stephan Arnold, Michael Bock, Barbara.

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Presentation on theme: "17.11.2018 Introducing ... The EAGLE concept – conceptual basis for a future European Land Monitoring Framework Stephan Arnold, Michael Bock, Barbara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing ... The EAGLE concept – conceptual basis for a future European Land Monitoring Framework Stephan Arnold, Michael Bock, Barbara Kosztra, Gebhard Banko, Gerard Hazeu, Geoff Smith, Nuria Valcarcel 1

2 Current Situation: numerous classification systems
GIO HRL Forest Urban Atlas LUCAS ? EUNIS Habitats CLC GIO HRL Soil Sealing 2

3 Object orientation: A bread is a bread is a bread ...

4 Object orientation: A bread is a bread is a bread ...
Classification Bread ≠ Bread Characterization Outer Appearence weight size shape Inner details grainsize density Ingredients salt wheat / rye water yiest E 510, … Color light dark Other Characters Bio-certificate Gen-free Use Food, Alimentation 4

5 Object orientation: Grass is grass is grass ...
Classifications Grassland ≠ pasture ≠ lawn ≠ natural grassland Characterization Growth structure homogenous heterogenous Growth density closed sparse Moisture Wet soil Surface water Use intensiv extensiv Sports Management Multiple mowing Single mowing Ecosystem type Inland marsh 5

6 Structure of EAGLE Data Model & Matrix
Information on landscape described with three separate main blocks… A.) LAND COVER Components – LCC block Abiotic, Vegetation, Water Surfaces B.) LAND USE Attributes – LUA block Agriculture, Forestry, Industry, Transportation etc. C.) further CHARACTERISTICS – CH spatial pattern, bio-physical parameters, ecosystem types, land management practices etc. 6

7 A.) Land Cover Components [LCC]
Describe real landscape elements from pure LC point of view. (Read Matrix from top to bottom.) 7

8 B.) Land Use Attributes [LUA]
Describe territory from pure LU point of view, according to function and socio-economic purpose, linked to INSPIRE (extract shown only) 8

9 C.) further Characteristics [CH]
Characterize landscape with additional properties, flexible extendable list (extract shown only) 9

10 EAGLE data model: from matrix to UML chart

11 EAGLE data model: from matrix to UML chart

12 EAGLE data model: from matrix to UML chart

13 EAGLE data model: from matrix to UML chart

14 How to use the matrix: „bar-coding” method (I)
How to use the matrix: „bar-coding” method (I) Bar Code Values: xx = not applicable (logically excluded, because not applicable) x = must not occur, excluded by definition 0 = not important (because of generalization effects) 1 = can be expected, but not defining element 2 = must occur, defining selective obligatory element (selective OR-function, at least one of tick-marked elements must be present) 14 14

15 How to use the matrix: „bar-coding” method (II)
How to use the matrix: „bar-coding” method (II) Bar Code Values: 3 = must occur, defining cumulative obligatory element (cumulative AND-function, if more then one element tick-marked then all be present) 4 = multiple selective occurrence mandatory, more than one of the selected matrix element must be present 15 15

16 Matrix as semantic comparison tool
Matrix as semantic comparison tool 16 16

17 Describing landscape with EAGLE model: „Built-up Area“
Describing landscape with EAGLE model: „Built-up Area“ Land cover components (LCC): conventional buildings, broadleaved trees, herbaceous plants, open sealed surfaces Land use attributes (LUA): permanent residential, agriculture/production for own consumption, road network Further characteristics (CH): soil sealing degree = 35% built-up pattern = discontinuous, single houses © Gyorgy Büttner 17 17

18 Describing landscape with EAGLE model: „Wetland“
Describing landscape with EAGLE model: „Wetland“ Land cover components (LCC): Inland water bodies, Reeds Land use attributes (LUA): nature protected land Further characteristics (CH): ecosystem type = inland marshes Salinity = fresh water © Barbara Kosztra 18 18

19 Benefits of usage of EAGLE concept
Tool for analytic decomposition of class definitions Semantic translation between different classification systems Clear separation between LC and LU information Flexible structure of model allows integration of different land related information Conceptual basis for harmonized future European Land Monitoring Framework (NOT yet another classification system) 19

20 Current Situation of Land Monitoring
in Europe ? Urban Atlas EEA CLC HRL LUCAS National HR- CLC / National Land Surveying CLC 25 ha National Land Monitoring National Stats 20

21 Scheme of EAGLE concept
C O P E R N I C U S European & Global Level CLC Urban Atlas HR Layers BioPhys Par LUCAS European Land Monitoring Framework INSPIRE LC+LU compliant National & Sub-National Level National (A) Land Monitoring National CLC National (B) Land Monitoring Regional (a) Land Monitoring Regional (b) Land Monitoring 21

22 Remote Sensing community = EARSeL
Surrounding context & relations of EAGLE concept Modelling & legal aspect: existing standards CLC, INSPIRE, ISO LCML Strategic aspect: stakeholders, user requirements MS, EEA, Eurostat, DGs EAGLE Scientific aspect: Methodological expertise for RS & LM Remote Sensing community = EARSeL 22

23 Who is EAGLE? EAGLE = EIONET Action Group on Land monitoring in Europe
LC/LU experts from: National Reference Centers (NRC) Land Cover, INSPIRE TWGs, ETC SIA partners, FP7 HELM consortium Founded through self-initiative of experts from various European countries Open and voluntary participation 23

24 Thank you for your attention !
Contact us © Barbara Kosztra Upcoming event: 23. – 27. June 2013 INSPIRE Conference 2013, Florence, Italy. EAGLE workshop 24

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