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Taylor Imran Jack Nasir Lidia Joe Harry Trish Radu Asil Ria

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Presentation on theme: "Taylor Imran Jack Nasir Lidia Joe Harry Trish Radu Asil Ria"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taylor Imran Jack Nasir Lidia Joe Harry Trish Radu Asil Ria
Brijesh 17/11/2018 Charlotte Shuyeb Nasir Lidia Joe Bonnie-Marie Jahangir Mason Anthony Harry Rabbab Maruf Balween Trish Bareera Rahat Radu Shamar Aadhithya UPDATE THIS Bareera Asil Aditya Ria TEACHERS DESK Nice Yassir Door IT03 Board

2 1.1.2 Understanding customer needs
17/11/2018 GCSE Business 1.1.2 Understanding customer needs

3 Start of lesson drills Planner on the desk Pen/stationary available
17/11/2018 Start of lesson drills Planner on the desk Pen/stationary available Exercise book on the desk Homework out (if set) Date and title copied from the board Ready to learn Reminder

4 17/11/2018 Expectations Be in the right place, at the right time doing the right thing: Be respectful of others and allow them to learn Complete all homework tasks set and come to me if you have any problems completing it Respect all school equipment Bring the correct equipment (pens, books etc.) to our class Act as respectable young adults like business individuals Reminder

5 Understanding customer needs
17/11/2018 Understanding customer needs By end of the lesson, you should be able to: Describe the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative research Explain the purpose and different methods of market research

6 17/11/2018

7 What is market research?
17/11/2018 What is market research? Market Research is the process of gaining information about customers, competitors and market trends through collecting primary and secondary data. Market research is all about finding out what your customers want. Market research finds out what your customers like, how much they want to pay for their food and where they want to buy their sandwiches from.

8 17/11/2018 Primary Research

9 What is primary research?
17/11/2018 What is primary research? Primary research is carried out by your own business. No one else has done this for you! Primary Research First hand information Expensive to collect, analyse and evaluate the data Can be highly focussed and relevant Care needs to be taken with the approach and methodology to ensure accuracy Types of question – closed – limited information gained; open – useful information but difficult to analyse

10 Testing and observation Questionnaires
17/11/2018 Testing and observation Questionnaires Telephone interviews

11 17/11/2018 Primary research game

12 Secondary/Desk research
17/11/2018 Secondary/Desk research

13 Retail data - loyalty cards, till data, etc. Magazines Newspapers
17/11/2018 Secondary Research Secondary research is also called Desk research. It is about looking at information that has already been collected about the market by other companies and which you can use to help to run your business successfully. Company Accounts Retail data - loyalty cards, till data, etc. Magazines Newspapers

14 17/11/2018 Quick recap.. What is the difference between primary and secondary research? Provide 2 examples for each type of research.

15 17/11/2018 Make notes during the video on difference between Primary and secondary research Primary Secondary

16 Quantitative and Qualitative Information:
17/11/2018 Quantitative and Qualitative Information: Quantitative – based on numbers – “49% of young people in England are likely to enter higher education, according to the latest official estimates” – doesn’t tell you why, when, how Qualitative – more detail – tells you why, when and how!

17 Direct customer contact
17/11/2018 Direct customer contact Clubcard

18 What is the purpose of market research?
17/11/2018 What is the purpose of market research?

19 Think, pair, share 8 minutes Think and write down the following:
17/11/2018 Think, pair, share Think and write down the following: What are the advantages of market research? What are the disadvantages of market research? Then, when I tell you, discuss in pairs 8 minutes

20 What are the advantages of market research?
17/11/2018 What are the advantages of market research? Helps focus attention on objectives Aids forecasting, planning and strategic development May help to reduce risk of new product development Communicates image, vision, etc. Globalisation makes market information valuable (HSBC adverts!!)

21 What are the disadvantages?
17/11/2018 What are the disadvantages? Information only as good as the methodology used Can be inaccurate or unreliable Results may not be what the business wants to hear! May stifle initiative and ‘gut feeling’ Always a problem that we may never know enough to be sure!

22 17/11/2018

23 17/11/2018 Homework None today. The main homework will be set weekly on a Wednesday

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