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Freeway Capacity and Level of Service

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Presentation on theme: "Freeway Capacity and Level of Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freeway Capacity and Level of Service
Concepts of capacity and level of service Freeway level of service analysis procedure based on HCM

2 Capacity and Level of Service
Capacity (supply) LOS (demand vs. supply) Capacity and LOS analysis for different types of facilities (HCM procedures) Freeway basic segments Freeway ramp junctures Freeway weaving sections Multilane highways Two-lane highways Signalized intersections

3 What is capacity, what is LOS?
q v u1 LOS u2 q2 q1 qmax capacity

4 Capacity: Definition The maximum hourly flow rate of vehicles, passengers, or the like, which can be reasonably expected to traverse a point or a section under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions.

5 Key word: maximum hourly flow rate
Capacity Key word: maximum hourly flow rate Expected maximum handling capability determined by physical feature of the facility Independent of demand NOT number currently using facility (This is flow rate or volume!!)

6 Key word: prevailing conditions
Capacity Key word: prevailing conditions Actual conditions, not “ideal(base)” conditions Factors that affect operation of Traffic Flow & Capacity Traffic (volume, PHF) Roadway(# lanes, shoulder widths, grade, etc) Vehicle composition (Truck/Bus/RV %) Traffic control

7 Prevailing Conditions vs. Ideal (Base) Conditions
Ideal (Base) Conditions (dependent on facility type) 12ft lanes adequate shoulder 100% passenger cars 0% grades minimal disturbance (from interchange, access points, etc) ……

8 Factors Affecting Capacity and LOS
Picture 1 : vehicle type, entrance, P2: interchange and merging P3: “mix” traffic P4: Grade and curves P5: vehicle type/slow moving vehicles.

9 Level of Service Describes the QUALITY of service achieved on a transportation system in terms of… Speed/travel time freedom to maneuver Traffic interruptions Comfort Convenience Safety

10 Level of Service Qualitative measure that characterizes operational conditions. 6 Levels (A – F) A: free-flow F: forced-flow E: capacity A B C D E F A: FF, B: Almost FF, C: Speed slightly lower than FF, D: appreciable slowdown. E: capacity. F: unstable

11 Highway LOS LOS A LOS B LOS C

12 Highway LOS LOS D LOS E LOS F

13 Service Flow Rate Maximum flow rate of vehicles, passengers, or the like, which can be accommodated by a given facility or system under given condition AT A GIVEN LEVEL OF SERVICE (except LOS F). Service flow rate for LOS E: capacity e.g., If actual flow> service flow rate for LOS B & < service flow rate for LOS C == > LOS is C

14 Highway Capacity Manual Procedures
Freeway Systems Highways Urban Streets Pedestrian and Bicycles Transit (Now HCM 2010)

15 Freeway System Basic Segments (sections) Weaving Section
Ramp Junctions

16 Primary Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) for LOS
Type of Facility MOE Freeway Basic Segments Density (pcpmpl) Freeway Weaving Areas Density Freeway Ramp Junctions Flow Rate/Density (pcph) Multilane Highways Density/FFS Signalized Intersections Average Control Delay (sec/veh) Arterials Average Travel Speed (mph) Transit Load Factor(pers/seat, veh/h, people/hr) Pedestrians Space (sq ft/ped)

17 Selection of Design LOS
LOS A? No: too expensive and over design LOS E or F? No: too much congestion Mostly C or sometimes D allow some slowdowns, but no stop&go B is desired for rural highways

18 HCM Procedure for Freeway Basic Section
Basic Section: a section beyond the influence of merging or diverging movements The procedure is very similar to that of multilane highways

19 Ideal (Base)Conditions for Basic Freeway Section
Good weather, good visibility, no incident, no work zone, no pavement deteriration 12 ft (3.6 m) lanes At least 6ft (1.8 m) right shoulder clearance All passenger cars Level terrain Familiar driving population Capacity (under Ideal <base> Conditions) 55 mph  2250 pcphpl 70 or 75 mph  2400 pcphpl

20 Level of Service for Basic Freeway Section
Level of Service based on traffic density in section LOS Density Range (pc/mi/ln=pcpmpl) A B C D E F 0-11 >11-18 >18-26 >26-35 >35-45 >45

21 Speed-flow curves and LOS (HCM 2000)

22 Speed-flow curves and LOS (HCM 2010)

23 LOS Criteria (HCM 2000)

24 LOS Criteria (HCM 2010) Density Maximum Service Flow rate

25 Steps for Determining LOS of Basic Freeway Segment
Step 1. Determine Free-Flow Speed Step 2. Determine Flow Rate Step 3. Determine Speed using Speed-Flow Curve Step 4. Compute Density Step 5. Determine Level of Service

26 Step 1. Determine FFS Field measurement
at flow<1000 (1300 in HCM 2000) pcphpl By estimation FFS = Estimated free-flow speed, mph. fLW = adjustment for lane width Exhibit 11-8, mph fLC = adjustment for right shoulder clearance Ex. 11-9, mph (no value change from HCM 2000 to HCM 2010) TRD=total ramp density (ramps/mi), defined as the # ramps (on and off, one direction) located btw 3 mile upstream and 3 mile downstream divided by 6.


28 Same values as in Exhibit 11-9 in HCM 2010

29 Selection of FFS Interpolation not recommended
Round to nearest 5mph as follows:

30 Step 2. Determine Peak 15-min Flow Rate
vp = 15-min passenger car equivalent flow rate, pc/h/ln (pcphpl) V = Hourly volume, veh/h (vph) PHF = peak hour factor (typically on freeways) N = number of lanes in one direction fHV = heavy vehicle factor (must be computed) fp = driver population factor (Ranges from 0.85 to 1.0)

31 Heavy Vehicle Factor ET = Passenger Equivalent for Trucks and Buses
PT = Percentage of Trucks and Buses in Traffic Stream ER = Passenger Equivalent for Recreational Vehicles PR = Percentage of RVs in Traffic Stream

32 Passenger Car Equivalents (No value changes)
Extended Freeway Segments Ex 11-10 Specific Upgrades Trucks and Buses  EX 11-11 RVs  Ex 11-12 Specific Downgrades Trucks and Buses  Ex 11-13 Depends on Grade Steepness, Length of Grade, and Percentage of Vehicles in Traffic Stream

33 HCM 2000, values same as those in Ex 11-10 in HCM 2010

34 values same as those in Ex 11-11 in HCM 2010

35 values same as those in Ex 11-12 in HCM 2010

36 values same as those in Ex 11-13 in HCM 2010

37 Step 3. Determine Speed Estimated from the flow-speed diagram

38 Step 4. Compute Density D = Density pc/mi/ln (pcpmpl)
Vp = Peak 15-min flow rate S = Estimated Speed

39 Step 5. Determine Level of Service
Compare computed density to values in Table LOS Density Range (pc/mi/ln) A B C D E F 0-11 >11-18 >18-26 >26-35 >35-45 >45

40 Step 5. Determine Level of Service
Use Figure directly (Based on flow & speed). LOS D

41 Applications Operation Analysis Design Planning
LOS, Density, average speed Design # lanes Planning From AADT to # lanes

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