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The Four Noble Truths – Part Two

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1 The Four Noble Truths – Part Two
The Goals The Four Noble Truths – Part Two

2 The Four Noble Truths - Reminder
These are the basis of all Buddhist teaching These were alluded to in the Buddha’s first sermon (The Sermon at Benares) Buddhists use a doctor analogy to explain them: The Buddha is the doctor who makes the diagnosis – Dukkha The cause of the illness is craving (tanha) – Samudaya There is a cure, it is to achieve nibbana – Nirodha The prescription is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path - Magga

3 The First Noble Truth - Dukkha
Also one of the Three Universal Truths / Marks of Existence Means ‘unsatisfactoriness’ Caused by failure to understand anicca Second Noble Truth - Samudaya The cause of dukkha (the actual illness) is tanha (craving) Because you do not understand anicca, you crave permanence and possessions All this craving makes you suffer: tanha causes dukkha

4 The Third Noble Truth - Nirodha
There is a way to cure the illness of dukkha The way to be cured forever is to achieve enlightenment (nibbana) This is the ULTIMATE GOAL of all Buddhists Nibbana is not a place, but a state of mind Difficult to describe – must experience it to understand fully (fish and turtle story) Enlightened beings are outwith the realm of cause and effect, so are not reborn when they die See ‘What the Buddha Taught’ and ‘QKM’

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