The Grid Awakens: EVs and Electricity Supply & Demand Genevieve Cullen

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Presentation on theme: "The Grid Awakens: EVs and Electricity Supply & Demand Genevieve Cullen"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grid Awakens: EVs and Electricity Supply & Demand Genevieve Cullen
President, EDTA

2 2017 Year End Sales

3 Manufacturer Announcements

4 Global Adoption 2011: 45k worldwide sales
BNEF expects electric cars to outsell gasoline and diesel models by 2040, reflecting a rapid decline in the cost of lithium-ion battery units that store power for the vehicles. It expects 530 million plug-in cars on the road by 2040, a third of worldwide total number of cars.

5 17,443 stations 46,428 charging outlets Filters chosen: United States Electric Types: DC Fast, Level 2 Access: Public Content Last Updated: 03/14/2018

6 Integrating EVs into Modernized Grid
Energy Demand/Management Strategies Benefits/Burdens to the Grid Smart Charging Frequency Regulation Storage V-2-H V-2-G

7 EV Infrastructure Deployment – how much is needed & where
Technologies – Levels 1,2; DC Fast; ultra-fast; wireless Business Models – Shared Customers Regulatory dynamics

8 New Mobility Models Technology advances are changing how we move people and goods Automation Connectivity Ride-Sharing Ownership models, urban planning and transportation energy demand will change too. Electric Drive is the optimal platform for these technologies

9 Energy Impacts of AVs

10 Genevieve Cullen | President Electric Drive Transportation Association

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